Page 6 of Unwrapped

“Nevermind,Peter,”MotherFrancessaid, tugging at her son’s arm. “Justlet them go for now and we’ll callBircherimmediately.”Bircherwas theThielgoodfamily lawyer who handled all their legal matters.

“Yes, well…”Peterlooked atCeliauncertainly. “Mydarling, are yousureabout this?”


“Idon’t want trouble,” she told him. “I’msure you can get this all straightened out.Inthe meantime,I’lljust go with them.”

“Becareful, my darling.”Petergave her a peck on the cheek and another anxious look. “I’llget you out of there as soon asIcan—this is all one big misunderstanding.”

“I’msure it is,”Celiasaid calmly.Butinside her stomach was turning flip-flops.Wasshe really doing this?Wasshe really going with two huge warriors she didn’t even know, of her own volition?

Exceptyoudoknow them,whispered a little voice in her head.You’vebeen dreaming about them for months.

WhichCeliawas beginning to think was true.Themore she looked at them, the more familiar they were.Itwas a weird sensation—looking at two strangers she’d never met before and feeling like she already knew them.Butit also helped her not be afraid of them.Somehowshe knew—though she didn’t knowhowshe knew it—that either of these warriors would kill or die to protect her.Whichmade absolutely no sense, but itfeltright.

Shenodded goodbye to her fiancé and his family and stepped out of theBayshoremansion to go with the twoKindredwarriors.

Shehad no idea that she had just changed her life forever.



“Come,lelka,”the darkKindredgrowled, holding out a hand to her. “Let’sget you out of here and back to theMotherShipwhere you belong.”

Celiadidn’t know what the strange nickname meant, but it, too, felt familiar.Shelooked up at the two huge warriors.

“Allright,” she said calmly. “I’llcome with you as long as you knowIwon’t be staying—I’llbe coming back here as soon asPeter’slawyer can clear this mess up.”

“Yousay that now,lelka.Let’ssee how you feel after the three of us have spent some time together.”ThedarkKindredgave her a smirk, his huge, warm hand swallowing her up as the three of them started down the front steps.

“Don’tbe too arrogant, brother,” the silver-haired one murmured. “Wemust win our lady’s heart, which at present is given to another.”

Hetried to takeCelia’sother hand but she gave a little gasp of pain when he touched her cut finger and drew away.

“Oh—what’s this?” he murmured and turned her hand over pulling off the blood-stained paper towel. “You’rewounded, my lady!”

“I…Iwas peeling potatoes forThanksgivingDinner,”Celiasaid.Shethrew a glance over her shoulder, but the front door of theBayshoremansion was now closed, though she could see several faces staring at her from the broad bay windows at the front.

“Ahyes—ThanksgivingDinner.Wehave friends who have brides fromEarththat celebrate that holiday,” the silver-haired warrior remarked. “We’vebeen invited to eatLastMealwith them tonight—Ithink we should go.”

“I’drather start theClaimingPeriod.”Thedark warrior gaveCeliaa half-lidded look. “Nowthat we finally have our gorgeous littleElite,Ican’t wait to hold her between us!”

“MadredeDios—stop right there!”Celiaput up her free hand and glared up at him.Theyhad been headed to the shiny silver spaceship parked in the mansion’s circular driveway, but stopped where she was. “I’mnot going a step further until we clear something up,” she told the two warriors. “Iamengaged.WhichmeansIwillnotbe doing any kind of, er, sexual activities with the two of you!Idon’t even know your names!” she added, almost as an afterthought.

“Oh, didn’t you catch them when we wereDream-Sharing?” the silver-haired warrior asked, raising his eyebrows. “I’mHoldsTightlyand this is my twin brother,FightsFiercely.Butyou can just call us ‘HoldandFierce.’”

“HoldandFierce?”Shelooked between them. “Thoseare strange names.”

Fierceshrugged, his broad shoulders rolling under the emerald green shirt he wore.


“That’stheTwinKindredhome world,”Holdsaid. “Mybrother andIwere stationed there until a few solar months ago.Whenwe startedDream-Sharingwith you, we knew it was time to move to theMotherShip.”

“Youmoved from your home world to theMotherShipforme?”Celiaasked, looking up at both of them.Honestly, they were so tall she was going to get a crick in her neck!

Fierceshrugged again.