Page 7 of Unwrapped

“WeheardEarthfemales like to live near their home world,” he rumbled.

“Dios!Well, that’s kind of you butI’mafraid you’re going to be disappointed,”Celiatold them. “SinceI’mcoming back here to marryPeteronChristmasEve.Oreven earlier, once his lawyer straightens things out.”

“There’snothing to straighten out,”Holdsaid. “Yourhuman fiancé never took your name out of theDraft—which means we have an entire month to change your mind and make you fall in love with us.”

“What?”Celiastared up at him.Dios—what had she gotten herself into here?

“Youheard my brother—we want you for our bride—our mate,”Fiercegrowled softly. “Whichmeans we’re going to do everything in our fucking power to win you over.”

“Butnothing sexual—not unless you want it,”Holdsaid quickly.


“Gettingsexual is the wholepointof theClaimingPeriod,” he pointed out. “Howare we going to win her over if we can’t touch her?”

“You’lljust have to learn to be more charming,Brother,”Holdsaid dryly.Helooked down atCelia. “Youhave my promise as aKindredwarrior, my brother andIwon’t touch you unless you want us to.”

Celiafelt a little shiver go through her.She’dheard rumors about theClaimingPeriod—who hadn’t?Andshe couldn’t help wondering what it might be like to be between two such huge, muscular men…

Butthen she pushed the disloyal thought away.Shewasn’t a cheater anymore than she was a gold digger.Shehad principles that were very important to her!Andno matter how attractive the twoKindredwere, shewasn’tgoing to break them.

“Thankyou,” she said toHold. “Thatmakes me feel better.”

“Thenwill you come with us to our ship now, my lady?” he asked courteously. “Andlet me bind your wound?”

Henodded down to her finger andCeliarealized it was dripping blood on the gravel of the circular driveway.

“Oh, sure…Iguess.”Sheshrugged, trying to look unconcerned and the three of them started walking again, heading for the shiny silver ship.



Fiercefrowned to himself as he boosted their new bride into the ship’s open door—being careful to just hold her by the waist andnottouch her luscious hips or ass.Howwere they supposed to win her over if she didn’t sleep between them every night and they couldn’t fucking touch each other?

TheClaimingPeriodhad been aKindredtradition for time out of mind—a chance for a prospective bride to get to know her groom—or grooms in this case—and a time for them to woo her.Anda big part of that wooing was the different ways aKindredwarrior was allowed to touch his bride as the month-long period progressed.Withoutthat physical contact, how could he and his brother hope to lure her away from that little pipsqueak of a human who was claiming her as his bride and acting like she belonged to him, when she clearly didnot?

Hedidn’t think thatHoldshould have promised not to touchCeliawithout at least talking to him first.Theyneeded to make some kind of plan to win her over—and that didnotinclude being completely hands-off.

Besides, his fingers were itching to caress her luscious body!Celiawas anElite—a female theGoddesshad blessed with extra full curves.Fiercehad been looking forward to stroking and pleasuring her as he andHoldcradled her between them.

AsaTwinKindredhe had to share her with his brother—to touch her alone would cause a low-level shock of discomfort and pain.Buthe’d been hoping they could touch her sooner rather than later, and now look—Holdhad gone and made a promise that was going to keep them from putting their hands anywhere nearCelia’sluscious curves!

Histhoughts must have shown on his face, becauseHoldshot him a look and murmured,

“Easy,Brother.We’llwin her over—you’ll see.Butwe need to take things slowly.”

“Wecan’t go too slow—we’ve only got one solar month!”Fiercepointed out, scowling. “Youshouldn’t have made that promise,Hold!”

“Therewas no other way to win her trust,” his brother protested. “Andwemustwin her trust if we’re ever going to have ahopeof winning her love.”

“Well…maybe you’re right.ButIstill don’t like it!”Fiercesnapped. “Youshould have talked to me first before giving our word on the matter.”


“Rightnow she believes she belongs to that human male back there—can’t you smell him on her?”Hold’snose wrinkled as though smelling a bad odor. “Hegot to her first—we have to win her over and convince her she’d rather be with us than him.We’renot going to do that by manhandling her right away!”

“We’renot going to do it by keeping our fucking distance all the time, either!”Fiercegrowled. “Admitit,Brother—you want her as badly asIdo!”