Page 69 of Unwrapped

Theyfollowed the crowd to a vast area carved out of theMotherTree’strunk.Itwas at least four times the size of the dormitory they were staying in andCeliamarveled as she looked around—it was like an enormous cave but carved out of wood instead of stone, she thought.

Everyonefiled in andCeliasaw that there was a huge wooden caldron in the center of the large room, which seemed to serve as a kind of focal point.Butthere were also smaller areas scattered all around the room which each had smaller wooden caldrons and a number of cushions to sit on.

Therest of the crowd was forming a line at the central cauldron, so the three of them did as well.Celiawas interested to see how in the world the huge wooden cauldron was being heated without it bursting into flames.Butwhen they got up close, she saw that instead of a fire, there were heaps of what looked like bright red flowers at the cauldron’s base.Theseweren’t exactly burning, but they were giving off heat and the contents of the wooden cauldron seemed to be bubbling.Asweet, slightly cloying scent wafted up from the steaming liquid which was thin and brown, like watery coffee,Celiathought.

La’ver’naherself was serving the liquid to everyone in thin cups that were made of the papery white bark of theMotherTree.

“TheBloodof theMother, theHeartof theGoddess,” she said formally as she ladled some into a bark cup and handed it toCelia. “Isee your nipples are not yet blue,” she added, disapprovingly.

“Oh, er…”Celialooked down at her exposed breasts.Shedidn’t like going around with her boobs on display, but since everyone else was doing it, she felt like it would be almostmoreawkward to try and cover up.

“It’snot for lack of trying,”Fiercegrowled, as he also accepted a cup of the thin brown liquid. “We’vebeen sucking our goddess’s nipples and fingering her tight little pussy as much as possible,Priestess.”

Celiafelt her cheeks getting red, but she didn’t dare to contradict theDarkTwin.Sheshot him a furious look and he gave back a smirking smile that seemed designed to irritate her.

“Wellkeep up your efforts,” the unicorn priestess said, handing a cup of the liquid toHoldwho was in line behindFierce. “Anddon’t forget to stimulate her pussy with your mouths and tongues as well.”

“We’lltake your advice to heart,Priestess,”Holdsaid formally, nodding his thanks.

“Verywell.Iknow this is your first meal with us,”La’ver’nasaid. “Justfind aMotherpot with three cushions and be seated.TheMotherTreewill produce theGoddess’sbounty as soon as everyone is settled.”

AMotherpot?Celiawondered if that was what the smaller wooden cauldrons were called.Andhow was theMotherTreesupposed to “produce” anything for them?

Theywere soon to find out becauseHoldpointed and said,

“There’sa pot with three cushions.”

CeliaandFiercefollowed theLightTwinover and each of them settled on a round, puffy cushion that felt like it was filled with the same squishy yet supportive material that was in their mattress back at the dormitory.Celialooked into the wooden pot, but it was empty.

“Wonderwhat we’re supposed to eat?I’mfucking starving,”Fiercegrowled. “It’sbeen a long time since the protein bars we ate forFirstMealback onTranqPrime.”

“La’ver’nasaid theMotherTreewould provide us with something once everyone was seated,”Holdreminded his brother. “Rightnow,I’mwondering about this.”Heraised his bark cup and sniffed it before taking a small sip. “Hmm…it’s sweet.Almostnutty.”

Fiercetried a sip as well and frowned.

“Whatis this stuff, anyway?” he growled. “Tasteslike some kind of human foodItried, butIcan’t remember what it was.”

Celiatried it as well, taking a sip and letting the thin liquid slide over her tongue.

“Oh—it tastes like pancakes with maple syrup!” she exclaimed and took a bigger sip this time. “Mmm,Ilove it!”

“Youmight want to be careful, my lady,”Holdremarked, frowning. “We’renot sure what effect this drink might have on us.”

“Oh, you’re right.”Celiaput down the cup apprehensively. “Doyou think it might be some kind of drug to loosen our inhibitions or something?Imean, just look.”

Shenodded at the other communal areas where each “goddess” sat, surrounded by her worshippers.Manyof them were engaged in some kind of foreplay and in one case, the goddess was actually sitting on a worshipper’s lap, clearly getting fucked as two other worshippers fondled and sucked her breasts.

“Youreally think they need a drug to make people want to fuck around here when we’re all sittinginsidea living aphrodisiac?”Fiercedemanded. “Whateverthis stuff is, it tastes pretty good andI’mthirsty.”Andhe drained his cup.

Celiatook another sip of hers but as she did, she noticed from the corner of her eye that something was happening with the pot they were sitting around.

“Oh, look!”Shepointed and they all leaned over to see.Thesmall wooden cauldron was beginning to fill with what looked like a thick, chunky brown stew.Howin the world was that happening?Didthe wooden cauldron have a false bottom or something?Shecouldn’t tell, but somehow the pot continued to fill until it was brimming over with the savory smelling stew.

“What’sthat?”Fiercesniffed the steam rising from the pot. “Smellspretty good,” he remarked.

“Buthow do we eat it?”Holdasked. “Idon’t see any bowls or utensils.”

Howeverjust at that moment, a pair of goat men came around to them.Onehad a stack of broad, flat wooden bowls and the other was carrying a bucket filled with wooden spoons.TheyhandedCeliaand the guys each a bowl and a spoon and one of them said,