“EnjoytheGoddess’sbounty which theMotherTreeprovides.”
“Er, thank you.”Celiaaccepted the bowl and spoon and then looked at the guys. “Well…should we try it?”
“I’mgoing to,”Fiercesaid.
“Iwill too.CanIget you some, my lady?”Holdasked courteously.
“Oh, thank you.”Celiahanded him her bowl and spoon and he dipped out a good portion of the chunky brown stew and handed it back to her.Ithad chunks of what looked like root vegetables floating in it though they were different colors than she was used to.Theywere dark blue, bright purple, and vivid green as well as some smaller red things that she might have thought were pieces of corn if she was back onEarth.
Celiatook a sip of the thick brown gravy and found it was savory and delicious.Shetried a piece of the blue potato—if that was what it was—and found it had a smooth texture and seemed to melt in her mouth.Someof the other vegetables were crunchy and chewy but they all went well with the brown gravy-broth.
“Mmm, fucking delicious!”Fiercedeclared, finishing his bowl. “Isthere enough for seconds?”
Holdlooked in the pot and frowned.
“Actually, it doesn’t look like we’ve eaten anything at all,” he remarked.
Celialooked and saw that it was true—the pot was still almost brimming over with stew.
“That’sweird,” she remarked. “Howis it staying full when we all had some?Andhow did the stew get into the pot in the first place?”
“TheMotherpots are filled by theMotherTreeherself.”
Thevoice came from someone at the communal space beside theirs.Celialooked up and saw that it wasSess’ely, the unicorn girl they’d seen servicing all three of her goat man worshippers in the dormitory earlier.
“Oh, really?” she asked, giving the girl a friendly smile. “Howdoes it, er,shedo that?”
“Noone knows, except maybe thePriestess,” she said, nodding atLa’ver’na, who was still standing by the cauldron filled with the sweet, pancake-tasting drink. “Butevery night theMothergives us new things to eat—the variety is endless and it’s all sogood.”
“Wellthis is our first night but we’re really enjoying it,”Celiasaid politely.
“We’vebeen here for over a week…or maybe it’s a month?Ican’t remember, really,”Sess’elysaid dreamily. “Ionly know thatI’venever been so happy and fulfilled.”
“Fulfilledor justfilled—with three cocks at once?”Fiercemuttered inCelia’sear and she had to fight to keep a straight face.
“Well, thank you for telling us where the stew comes from,” she said, smiling atSess’ely. “Er,Iguess we’ll see you back at the dormitory.”
“Oh, not before we have the evening story and theChoosing!” the unicorn girl said. “Ido hope thatIand my worshippers may be chosen for the story!Ifyou get chosen for the story, you’re almostalwaysalso chosen to join theMotherTreeonBranchFive.”
“Whathappens onBranchFive?”Celiaasked curiously.
Sess’elyshook her head.
“Thedetails aren’t for us to know but those who are chosen will live as one with theMotherTreeand shine with theGoddess’slight forever!Wouldn’tthat be wonderful?”
“Itsounds amazing,”Celiasaid with a straight face.Dios, this girl was really far gone into the cult—if that was what theSisterhoodofPeacewas.Celiawas reserving judgment, though theydidseem to be very into sexual worship of theirGoddess.
Asif on cue,La’ver’nacleared her throat and called for everyone’s attention.
“Myfriends—fellow goddesses and worshippers, it is time for tonight’sChoosing,” she announced. “TonighttheGoddesscalls for…”Shelooked around the room, eyeing each group of people and finally pointed atSess’elyand her three goat men. “You!GoddessSess’ely, come forward and bring your worshippers with you!”
“Ohmy goodness!Ican’t believe we were finally chosen!”Sess’elyhopped up at once, her hooves tapping excitedly on the floor and her eyes shining with excitement.Sheand her worshippers went up to whereLa’ver’nawas standing in front of the large wooden cauldron.
“Good, my child—it’s excellent to see the four of you so eager to act out a scene from one of theGoddess’sadventures as a mortal being,”La’ver’nasaid, nodding approvingly. “Nowthen…take your positions and we will begin.”
Sess’elyand her three goat men stood in a line in front of the cauldron and everyone stopped what they were doing and watched asLa’ver’nastarted speaking in a low, hypnotic voice.