Page 68 of Unwrapped

Fiercelet her nipple slip from his mouth but he was frowning when he looked at her.

“Whatdo you mean, it’s enough?Youdidn’t come yet.”

“Yes,Idid!Didn’tyou hear me?”Celiademanded breathlessly. “Soget your fingers out of me now!”

“No, you didn’t,lelka.”Heglared at her. “I’veheard you and held you in my arms when you had a real orgasm and that wasn’t anywherecloseto real.”

“What?Areyou sayingI’mfaking it?”Celiademanded, trying to sound offended though that was exactly what she was doing.

“Hellyes,Iknowyou’re faking,” theDarkTwingrowled. “Thereal question is, why do you want me to stop when you’re so close toactuallycoming?Isit because you think coming will make the cheating real?”

Hisanalysis of the situation was uncomfortably on point—and the way he was staring at her in such a challenging way made it hard forCeliato meet his eyes.Infact, she found she had to drop her gaze after a moment.

“Fierce, if she wants you to stop then stop,”Holdsaid, frowning at his twin. “Youdon’t need any other reason than that.”

“Butshe’s just about to come…and her little pussyneedsto come,”Fierceprotested in a low voice. “Ican feel her quivering—andIcansmellher need.It’slike she’s going into fucking heat over here,Brother!”

“Itdoesn’t matter,”Holdsaid. “IfCeliasays stop, we stop.”

“Fine,”Fiercegrowled, finally withdrawing his fingers.Butinstead of wiping them off, he put them in his mouth.StillholdingCelia’sgaze with his own, he sucked them clean.

“MadredeDios,” she whispered, unable to look away.

“Fuckingdelicious,” he growled, pulling his fingers out of his mouth at last. “Can’twait to taste your sweet honey from the source,lelka.”

“Don’thold your breath because…because you never will!”Celiapanted.

“Wouldn’tbe too sure about that,” theDarkTwingrowled.Heheld her eyes for one more minute and then rolled over to sit up on the side of the bed.

Celiawanted to think of a cutting reply, but her brains felt too scrambled by pleasure.Also, her entire body was throbbing for release—arealone this time.Shewondered if maybe she could just sneak into the bathroom and finish herself off.Shewas sure that it wouldn’t take her a minute to come afterHoldandFiercehad gotten her right to the edge…

“Allright now, it’s time for dinner!”Thecurtain at the end of the bed was swept back andGer’thawas standing there.

“Ihope you had a good time together but now it is time to eat,” she announced. “Come—Iwill tell you how to reach the dining area.”



Celia’sbody still felt hot with desire as they made their way to the sky-lifters again.Ger’thahad been very specific in her directions.

“Youwill take the lifts toFourthBranch,” she directed them. “Whateveryou do, donotstop onSecondBranch—that branch is forbidden to men!Onceyou reach theFourthBranch, just follow everyone else along the path and you will find the communal dining area carved out from a section of theMotherTree’strunk.Nowgo—and have a good dinner.Youcan pleasure each other and worship your goddess some more on your return.”

“Well, here we go—up toFourthBranch,”Holdremarked as the three of them climbed on the narrow wooden plank of the sky-lifter and the guys began to haul on the ropes to lift it upwards.

Fiercedidn’t say anything—his shaft was still hard and he seemed to be in a bad mood.Celiawondered if being horny made theDarkTwingrumpy—it wouldn’t surprise her.Tobe honest, she was feeling kind of grumpy herself—andneedy.Ifonly she’d had time to find a bathroom and take care of herself!

Theygot a little relief from the intense desire caused by theMotherTree’senergy while they were all on the sky-lifter.Butthe moment they stepped off ontoFourthBranch,Celiafelt it again.Infact, if anything it seemed to be stronger here on the higher branch.

“Iwonder what’s onSecondBranchthat makes it forbidden to males,”Holdremarked. “IthoughtLa’ver’nasaid some kind of work was going on there.”

“Maybewe’ll find out tomorrow when we get our work assignments,”Celiasaid, shrugging.

“Itdidn’t look any fucking different from the other branches,”Fiercesaid, joining the conversation at last. “NotthatIreally care.Beingin this fucking tree is driving me crazy—doesn’t matter what branch we’re on!”

“Maybewe’ll all feel better once we get something to eat,”Holdsuggested. “Comeon—Ithink the dining area must be this way.”Hepointed to where several other goddesses, surrounded by their worshippers were headed.

CeliasawSess’elyand her three goat men and several other groups like them.Butshe also saw other species—there were a few other humanoids like herself and the guys and one group of blob-like people that seemed to be made of round, moving lumps of colorfulPlay-Doh.Theymust have come from a far distant galaxy across the universe, she thought, remembering thatLa’ver’nahad told them the wormhole opened onto many different galaxies but apparently dumped everyone out here, when it became destabilized.