Fierceblinked, clearly surprised.Holdwas always the peacemaker—he often had to smooth the way between his fiery-tempered brother and others.Butsometimes he got sick of the role—especially when it seemed to him thatFiercewas pushing away the woman they both wanted because he was too damn impatient to play the long game.
“Well…”Fiercebegan, clearly uncertain of what to say.
“Nowlet’s get ready for bed and try to do better in the morning,”Holdsaid in a calmer tone. “Wegot off to a shaky start withCeliabut we’ll try again tomorrow and hope she forgives us.”
“Allright.”Fiercenodded grudgingly. “I’llapologize to her atFirstMealif you think it’s important.”
“Ido,”Holdsaid firmly. “Whatwoman wants to be with a male who won’t apologize after a fight?”
“ThatfuckingPeterof hers didn’t apologize,”Fiercepointed out, scowling.
“Whichis one way we can show her that we’re different—that she needs to be withusinstead ofhim,”Holdemphasized.
“Allright, all right,”Fiercegrumbled.Hesighed. “It’sbeen a long day—let’s get some sleep.”
“Agreed.”Holdnodded.Hejust hoped thatFierceandCeliawould stop ‘butting heads’ as he’d heard the humans call it.Orwas it ‘heading butts?’Eitherway, it needed to stop if they were ever going to win over the lovely littleEliteand persuade her to be their bride.
Witha sigh, he started getting ready for bed, asFiercedid the same.
Neitherbrother had any idea that their entire conversation had been overheard.
“SoFiercesaved you from the bathing pool, and then heshoutedat you?”Katasked, leaning over the little table to stare atCeliawith wide eyes.Thetwo women were having lunch together at a little café on the edge of the parklands in the center of theMotherShip.
“Hebasically scolded me like a child for nearly drowning.”Celiasaid. “Buthedidapologize this morning at breakfast—mostly becauseHoldmade him, though,” she added. “Iknow becauseIwent back to the bathroom for a minute last night and heard them talking through their door,” she added. “Imean,Ididn’t mean to eavesdrop but they were talking about me so…”Sheshrugged expressively.
“Soof course, youhadto listen,”Katconfirmed, nodding.
Shecouldn’t help thinking about the other things she’d heard as well.Ithad surprised her to hear both of the bigKindredsaying how gorgeous she was and praising her curves.Peterwas always trying to get her to lose some weight.Heclaimed it was for her health, butCeliaknew he was probably comparing her to the other women he’d dated in the past—most of them stick-thin models and influencers.Sometimesshe wondered why he liked her at all…
“Sothen what happened?Imean, what else did you hear?”Katasked, breaking into her train of thought.
“Oh, well…mostly it sounds likeFierceis mad atHoldbecause he says we’re not having a ‘normalClaimingPeriod’,”Celiasaid. “ButHoldtold him that they have to be patient and prove to me they’re a better choice than my fiancé,Peter.”
“Hmm…”Katnodded. “I’mguessing thatHoldis doing the right thing.Heseems a lot more patient than his brother.”
“Butwhatisa ‘normal’ClaimingPeriod?”Celiaasked. “Imean, you said something about the different weeks last night butInever got to ask you what they meant.”
“Oh, you mean like theHoldingWeekand theBathingWeek?”Katasked and took a sip of her coffee.
“Iguess so.”Celiashrugged. “Areyou supposed to do something we’renotdoing during those times?”
“Well, yes you are, doll,”Kattold her. “Yousee, during theHoldingWeek, your guys are supposed to be able to hold you between them at night.Theycan touch you too, but only over your clothes,” she added.
“Oh…they can?”Celiacouldn’t help picturing herself lying between the huge warriors while both of them stroked her through her nightgown…Thenshe pushed the thought away.Shewasn’t supposed to be fantasizing about things like that!
“Mmm-hmm.”Katnodded. “Thenthe next week—theBathingWeek—everybody gets naked and they get to take a bath with you and wash you all over.Afterthat, they give you a really elaborate full body massage with all of these special exotic oils.”
“Dios,”Celiamurmured. “Ihave to admit…that sounds kind of nice.”
“Oh, it’samazing,”Kattold her. “Theyhave an oil for your back…another one for your feet…another for your shoulders.Theyeven have a special oil for your coochie, if you know whatImean.”ShegaveCeliaa naughty little grin.
“Wow…it sounds like theKindredarereallyinto pampering their women.”Celiawas trying hard not to imagine herself being massaged byHoldandFierce…and not succeeding very well. “Whathappens next?” she askedKat.