Page 19 of Unwrapped

“Well, you seem tiny to us, my lady,”Holdsaid softly. “Pleaseforgive my brother.Hewas frightened for you—when he gets scared, he gets angry.”

Celiatook a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

“Allright, fine.Idon’t want to fight about this.I’vehad enough fighting today—just let me go to bed please.”Shelooked atHold. “Andthank you for saving me.”

“Iheard you first,”Fiercesaid, frowning down at her.

“Why?Wereyou sneaking around outside the bathroom door, hoping to perv on me some more like you did when you were dreaming about me?”Celiashot back, losing her temper again.

“Okay, all right…Ithink we’d better say goodnight for now,”Holdsaid, beforeFiercecould answer her. “No,Brother—don’t say another word,” he added, pointing a finger at the dark warrior, whose face was like a thundercloud. “Celia,I’llshow you to your room if you’d like,” he added. “Pleasebe sure you have all your things.”

Celiagathered her clothes and shoes and the diamond engagement ring she’d removed and held them in her arms.Witha final frosty look atFierce, she followedHoldout of the bathing chamber to the room where she would be staying.

She’dhad enough drama to last her a lifetime, she thought.Nowshe just wanted to get some rest.Thoughhowshe could ever get to sleep when she was so irritated and aggravated with both her fiancé and theDarkTwin, she had no idea!



“BytheGoddessthat littleElitedrives me fuckingcrazy!”Fiercegrowled as he paced in front of the massive bed he andHoldshared.Asbig as both of them were, the bed still felt empty—it was meant to be shared with a female between them.

Holdsighed and ran a hand through his hair.

“Keepit down, can’t you?Idon’t need to break up another fight ifCeliahears you and comes in to confront you.”

“Shestarted it!”Fiercegrowled. “Itoldher to be careful in the pool if she couldn’t swim.Ieven told her it got deep in the middle?Sowhat does she do?Shegets in anyway and nearly drowns!Wecould havelosther tonight,Hold!Doyou realize that?”

Holdsighed again.

“Iknow that—Iknow.Iwas frightened too,” he assured his brother. “Celiais precious to me as well, you know.I’vebeenDream-Sharingwith her, the same way you have.”

Fierceshook his head.

“Allthose dreams andInever realized what a temper she has!Shenever shouts at that stupid fiancé of hers the way she shouted at me.Andshe certainly never called him anhijo de puta!”

“Youshouted at her first.Andshe got pretty upset with him tonight,”Holdpointed out. “Ithinkmaybeshe’s beginning to realize he’s not the right male for her.Orshe would if you would stop provoking her,” he added, frowning at his brother.Heloved him dearly butFiercecould be so aggravating at times!

“I’mnot provoking her—she’sprovokingme!”Fierceprotested. “Damnit—why does she have to be so fucking gorgeous and curvy and tempting at the same time?She’sthe most beautiful womanI’veever seen…andthe most irritating.”

“She’sa beautifulElitewho could have her pick of any male she wants.Andright now shethinksshe wants that human—her fiancé,”Holdpointed out. “Weneed to be wooing her away from him—notdriving her into his arms by fighting and shouting.Youneed to go apologize,Fierce.”

“TheSevenHellsIwill,” his brother growled. “Istand by whatIsaid—she shouldn’t be allowed in the bathing pool alone anymore!”

“She’sa strong, intelligent woman—I’msure she won’t go in alone again,”Holdsaid, frowning.

“Ifwe were having a properClaimingPeriod, we’d be able to go in with her during theBathingWeek,”Fiercesnapped, still pacing. “Butthanks toyou, she’s not even sleeping between us for theHoldingWeek.She’sin a whole other room instead of in our bed where she belongs!”

“Youcan’t rush these things,”Holdtold him. “Please,Brother—havepatience.Youcan’tforceher to love us.”

“No, but we’ve only got a month,”Fiercetold him. “Onesolar month.Itfeels like we’re wasting it by not doing things the right way.”

“Ifwe giveCeliasome time and a little space,Ibelieve she’ll come to us,”Holdsaid firmly. “TheGoddesswouldn’t have let usDream-Sharewith her if she wasn’t meant to be ours.Butyoucan’trush things and youcan’tforce her feelings.”

Fierceonly gave him a dark look and shook his head.

“Ifwe lose her, it will beyourfault,” he said.

“No,Brother…”Holdhad suddenly had enough.Hetook a step forward and got intoFierce’sface. “Ifwe lose her it will beyourfault for driving her away!”