Page 119 of Unwrapped


“It’smildly painful, butIdon’t mind.”Hestroked her cheek and looked into her eyes. “Iwould gladly endure any pain to be with you,Celia.”

Celiafelt like her heart was melting.Grippinghis cock more firmly, she fed it into the mouth of her pussy and—moaning softly—sank down on it.

“Mmm, looks like you’re already stretchingCelia’ssweet pussy out for us,Brother,”Fierceremarked as he came back into the room.Hewas carrying a kind of wooden device which he proceeded to set up at the foot of the bed.

“Yes,I’mjust getting her ready for both of us together.”Holdlooked down between her legs as he fucked slowly into her. “Howdoes it feel, my lady?”

“Good…wonderful,”Celiaadmitted.Shebit her lip. “Butstill…notquiteenough.Notthat you’re not big—you andFierceare bigger than any guyI’veever been with.It’sjust…”

“Justthat you feel the need to have your inner walls spread and stretched to the limit.It’sall right, my lady—Iunderstand,”Holdassured her. “That’ssimply theBondingFruitworking on you.There—IthinkFiercehas theBondingChairall set up now.Wouldyou like to dismount and watch us get ready for you?”

“Oh…yes please.”Celiapulled off of theLightTwinand got off the bed to go inspect the strange new piece of furniture.

Itlooked a little like a double-backed rocking chair from what she could see, with the seats facing each other.Thetwo seats were joined together in the middle and there was a kind of arm under each one that worked to tilt each seat up at an angle when the chair was set in motion.

“Oh…how does it work?” she asked, frowning at it.

“Likethis…”Fiercemade theBondingChairwork, causing both of the chairs to tilt up and then go back down in unison.Theydidn’t actually rock—they just glided up and back,Celiasaw.

“Onceour shafts are joined together, you’ll sit between us and take us deep inside your soft little pussy,”Holdexplained. “TheBondingChairensures that we’ll be thrusting inside you in unison.Ithelps theBondingto last longer too,” he added.

Bythis time,Celiawasachinginside, she felt so empty.

“Canwe please hurry up and do it, then?”Sheasked eagerly. “Imean, can we all get in the chair together soIcan feel both of you in me at the same time?”

“Suchan eager littlelelka,”Fiercegrowled. “Yourlittle pussy is really hungry tonight, isn’t she?”

“It’stheBondingFruitconcentrate,”Holdremarked as he straddled the chair and sat down in one of the seats. “That’swhy our lady feels the need to be stretched open by both our cocks tonight.”

“Well, let’s give her what she needs then,”Fiercegrowled.Straddlingthe other seat, he scooted forward. “Comehere,Brother—join with me,” he said.


Holdscooted forward as well until both their long, thick shafts were pressed together.Oncethey were,Fiercewrapped one big hand around them both, fisting both cocks at once.

Celiabit her lip at the erotic sight of the two big warriors pressed together so intimately.Andthen, something began to happen—the two long, thick shafts began togrowtogether.

Aftera moment,Fierceremoved his hand and she saw that their cocks had melded into one enormously thick shaft.Thebroad head at the end was as big as her fist and the shaft below it was even thicker.

“MadredeDios!”she murmured in awe. “Howis all that ever going to fit inside me?”

“Itwill fit, my lady,”Holdassured her. “TheBondingFruitmakes all things possible.Justcome straddle us and slide down on our shaft.You’llsee—it will fit.”

“Yes, come here, baby,”Fiercegrowled. “Letus feel you taking us both at once.Iwant to share you with my brother—want to fuck you and breed you andBondyou to us tonight.”

Thatwas exactly whatCeliawanted too.Witha little moan of anticipation, she straddled the two of them, facingFiercewithHoldright behind her.

“That’sright,lelka.Comedown and take us.”TheDarktwin held her by the waist, helpingCelialower herself down onto the massive shaft.Atthe same time,Holdreached around from behind and began to twist and tug her nipples again.

“Comedown on us, my lady,” he murmured in her ear. “Spreadyour pussy wide and take us both inside your hot, wet depths.”

“I…I’mtrying,”Celiapanted.Atfirst she wasn’t sure how the enormous cock would fit inside her.Butto her surprise, the fist-sized head slid into her easily.AndthenFiercehelped her lower herself down slowly onto the huge shaft.

Celiamoaned softly as she felt the impossibly thick cock spreading her open, as she had never been spread before.Herinner walls felt stretched to the limit, but that was agoodthing—it was exactly what she needed.AndwhenHoldandFiercefinally bottomed out inside her, she knew they were giving her exactly what she needed—what theBondingFruitdemanded.

“Ohhhh!”Shemoaned softly as she felt the massive head of their single cock kiss the mouth of her womb. “Oh, that feels so good—soright.”