Page 98 of Unwrapped

“Seethat you do—I’mgoing back to bed.”Andwith a final disapproving look, theGuardianofRecruitsshut the curtain andtap-tappedaway.

Assoon as the sound of her hooves on the wooden floor faded,Holdstopped, releasing the nipple he’d been sucking and sat up in bed again.Fierce, however, seemed extremely into what he was doing.Notonly was he still suckingCelia’snipple deep and hard, his big, warm hand was moving over her thigh to cup her suddenly wet pussy.Beforeshe could stop him, he was pressing two thick fingers deep inside her, making her gasp and arch her back.

“Oh…MadredeDios!”Celiamoaned as quietly as she could.AsFiercecontinued to finger-fuck her pussy while rubbing her aching clit with his broad thumb, she was torn between exasperation and lust.Sheknew it was just theMotherTree’ssexual energy flowing through all of them that made theDarkTwinso single-minded about touching and tasting her, but they needed to get going!

“Fierce!” she hissed, tapping him on the head and trying unsuccessfully to push his hand away. “Fierce, come on—stop now!”

Atlast theDarkTwinreluctantly released her nipple, though he kept his fingers deep in her pussy.

“What?” he grunted, when she gave him an exasperated look. “Notlike we could go right away—we have to wait for her to go back to sleep!”

“Wecan’t wait too long or it will be too late!”Celiawhispered.

“Wedon’t have hooves—we ought to be able to sneak out quietly,”Holdpointed out.

“Yeah, all right,”Fiercegrowled. “Let’sgo, then.”

“Notuntil you take your fingersoutof my pussy,”Celianodding pointedly down to where theDarkTwinwas still touching her intimately. “Wedon’t have time for this right now!”

“Allright—sorry.”Againreluctantly,Fiercewithdrew his fingers and sucked them clean. “Mmm—love your pussy honey,lelka,”he growled softly.

“Shhh!”she shushed him. “Comeon!”

Theywere sleeping naked butCeliatook a moment to throw on her red silk dress and the guys grabbed their loincloths, tying them on as they slipped out of bed.

Celiawas afraid that the wooden floor might creak under their weight.Butsince it was carved out of the livingMotherTreeand was all one piece instead of being boards like a hardwood floor, it was perfectly silent.Theyfinally managed to get out of the dormitory at least fifteen or twenty minutes after she had first woken in a cold sweat.

“Comeon!”she whispered toHoldandFierce. “They’vegot a big head start on us—we have to get going!”

Theysnuck alongFirstBranch, keeping to the shadows of the enormous leaves though luckily, they didn’t see anyone.Butwhen they finally came to the area where the sky-lifters were always “parked” there was a new problem.

“Whereare the elevator thingies?”Celiaasked, looking around anxiously. “They’reusually all here—where are they?”

“They’veall been drawn up,”Holdreported, after searching up and down the branch. “Itmust be some kind of precaution they use when they feed theMotherTree—so no one else can come up toFifthBranchand see what’s happening.”

“Wait—Ifound one.Downhere!”Fiercecalled.

Theyhurried down the branch to find him standing by a single sky-lifter hidden under one of the enormous leaves.

“Theymust have forgotten this one—come on!”Fiercebeckoned for them.

Thethree of them climbed onto the narrow wooden plank and the guys started hauling them upwards as quickly as possible.

“Hurry,hurry!”Celiaurged them. “I’mafraid we’ll be too late!”

Shehad a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach as they finally stepped off ontoFifthBranch.Therewas no one in sight, but they kept to the shadows of the leaves anyway, as they made their way quietly around the enormous trunk.

Justas they were nearing the area of the huge sacrificial room, they heard talking.Fierceheld up a hand and they all froze listening to the voices just around the curve of the trunk.

“Howmany are getting fed to theMotherTreetonight?” a deep male voice asked.

“Four, soI’veheard.She’sgetting hungrier,” another male voice answered. “Howmany have to die so we can keep living here—fucking and feeding from theMotherpots?Imean, sure it’s nice to be horny all the time and never have to work for your food but don’t you ever feel guilty?”

“Ah, you’re just sour since you stopped takingLa’ver’na’spleasure drops,” the first voice said. “Ifshe finds out, she’ll haveyoufed to theMotherTree, you know.Shecan’t stand to have any male near her that’s not under her control.”

“You’relucky theMistressofSilksdoesn’t make hardly any drops,” the second voice said. “Youlot at least get to stay in your right minds most of the time.Ihave to pretend withLa’ver’nathatI’msucking her nipples as hard asIcan.Andthen spit out the drops when she’s not looking.”

“Well, this is the last time we’ll have to deal with either of them,” the first voice said. “Didn’tyou say thatKindredlong range shuttle was ready to fly?”