Page 80 of Unwrapped

“Verywell—Iwant to massage her breasts,”Holdanswered.

“Oh, er…”Celiafelt uncertain about this.Shouldshe let them do this?

Butbefore she could protest, they were switching positions so thatHoldwas cradling her against his broad chest andFiercewas suddenly between her thighs.

“Mmmm…lelka,”he murmured, framing her mound with his big, warm hands. “Beenwanting to do this from the first minuteIsaw you in my dreams!”

“Dowhat?You’reonly supposed to be kissing me!”Celiareminded him, feeling both slightly panicked and extremely aroused at the same time.

“Allright—Iknow you feel like you’re cheating on that stupid human of yours if we go too far.SoI’lljust kiss you,”Fiercegrowled, looking up at her.Butthen he placed his thumbs on her outer pussy lips and parted them, opening her to show her inner folds.

“Oh!”Celiagasped and tried to shut her legs.ButtheDarkTwin’sbroad shoulders had her spread wide and he wasn’t moving.Helooked up at her, his dark eyes lazy with lust.

“Don’tworry,lelka—didn’tIpromiseI’donly kiss you?” he rumbled.

“Yes, but…but you spread me open!”Celiaprotested.

“Yes,Idid.Becausemy brother got to kiss the outside of your pussy—but now that it’s my turn,Iwant to kiss theinside,”Fiercegrowled. “Andlook at how hot and wet you are, baby—Ithink youneedto be kissed.”

Celiabit her lip, looking down to see that he was right—she was incredibly wet and shiny and her swollen clit was like a throbbing pearl, begging for attention.Peterhad always hated how wet she got, butFierceseemed to think it was a good thing.

“It’sjust a kiss—a kiss isn’t cheating,”Fiercemurmured temptingly. “Afterall, it’s not likeI’mputting my cock inside your soft little cunt—Ijust want to kiss the inside of your pussy.”

“Well…all right,”Celiapanted, giving in at last.

“That’sright, my lady,”Holdmurmured in her ear as he began lightly teasing her sensitive nipples. “Justrelax and letFiercekiss and worship your pussy.”

“I…Idon’t know ifIshould!”Celiamoaned.Butjust at that moment,Fiercelowered his head and placed a hot, open-mouthed kiss on her spread pussy.

Thistime she wassureshe felt a hot tongue pressed against her aching clit.Fiercewasn’t nearly as subtle as his brother.Hekissed her long and deeply, the same way he had kissed her mouth in the past andCeliafelt his hot tongue stroking over her sensitive little pearl again and again.

“Oh…Ohhh!”she moaned, writhing between them.Shecouldn’t believe she was in this position—leaning back against one hugeKindredwarrior with another between her thighs, intent on kissing her pussy.

“That’sright, my lady—open toFierce,”Holdmurmured in her ear. “Takepleasure from his kiss.Letyour body go where it needs to go…”

Hisdeep voice was soothing and erotic at the same time and the way he was teasing just the tips of her nipples was sendingCeliacloser and closer to the edge.Butjust as she thought she was going to come,Fiercelooked up.

TheDarkTwin’smouth and chin were shiny with her juices and his eyes were blazing with lust.

“Lovekissing you,lelka,”he growled, looking up atCelia. “ButIneed to kiss you deeper—need to put my tongue inside your sweet little pussy and taste your honey from the source.Canyou open up and let me do it?”

“I…Idon’t know.”Celiabit her lip.Dios, she was so close! “Is…is it still just a kiss?”

“Justa sweet little pussy kiss,” theDarkTwinassured her. “Justspread your legs for me like a good girl soIcan get my tongue inside you.”

Hishot words and the way he was looking at her meltedCelia’swill entirely.

“Allright.”Spreadingher legs even wider, she tilted her hips for him, offering her pussy. “Youcan…can kiss me deeper,Fierce.”

“Goodgirl,” he growled again and then he was ducking his head to find the mouth of her pussy with the tip of his tongue.

Celiamoaned as he slid inside her.Butthe moan turned into a surprised gasp as she felt it begin to swell inside her.

“Oh…what?”Shelooked up atHolduncertainly. “I…Ithink it’s growing inside me.Histongue,Imean!”

“Wehave some uniqueDNAin our heritage that allows us to do that,”Holdagreed, completely unsurprised. “It’sto help stretch our mate so she can take our cocks after she takes our tongues,” he added.

“Ohbut you’re not going to…to do that to me, are you?”Celiaasked, her eyes wide.