Page 81 of Unwrapped

“No, my lady—we’re not going to fuck you orBondyou to us tonight,” theLightTwinmurmured, stroking her cheek as he looked into her eyes. “Butyou can’t blameFiercefor wanting to stretch your sweet pussy with his tongue a little bit.Andit’s good, after all, to let you know what you can expect if you change your mind and decide to stay with us instead of going back toEarth.”

Celiadidn’t know if that was logical or not—she only knew that her pussy had never felt so full before asFiercetongue-fucked her slow and deep, tasting her juices right from the source.Shefelt stretched to the limit and yet it was a good feeling and shewantedmore of it.

Atlast, however, theDarkTwinseemed to have finally had enough.Hewithdrew his tongue and looked up at her.

“Allright,lelka,”he growled, his voice a deep rumble of lust. “Ican tell by all the honey your sweet pussy is making for me that you need to come—come nice and hard all over my face.”

“Yes…yes!”Celiamoaned, not even trying to protest. “Please,Fierce—pleasemake me come!”

Hiseyes went half-lidded as he growled in approval.

“That’smy good girl—admitting you need to come.Justkeep your pussy spread nice and wide for me soIcan get you where you need to go,lelka.Brother, step up the tit-torture—Ithink our little female needs more stimulation to come for us.”

“Ithink you’re right,Brother,”Holdmurmured.AndasFiercebent and began circling her throbbing clit with his tongue, he began pinchingCelia’snipples and pulling harder on her tender tips.

Atthis point,Celiafelt like she’d been on the sexual edge forhours.Assoon asFiercestarted giving her clit direct stimulation, she felt herself tilting over the side as her orgasm rushed towards her like a powerful wave in the ocean.

Andthen it hit her, washing over her in waves as the pleasure seemed to explode outwards, making her gasp and moan and writhe between them.

“Oh!Oh, yes!MadredeDios!”she cried, bucking her hips helplessly.Fiercegripped them in his big hands and held her still, ruthlessly lapping the tender bud of her clit, sending her higher and higher as the pleasure filled her to overflowing.

“That’sright, my lady,” she heardHoldmurmuring in her ear as he tugged her nipples. “That’sright—give it up for us.Letyourself come nice and hard on my brother’s tongue.Gushyour honey for him…the same way you will for me when he’s done.”

“Whenhe…when he’s done?”Celiamoaned, tilting her head back to look at him.

TheLightTwinnodded, his eyes burning into hers.

“It’sonly fair thatIshould get a turn kissing the inside of your sweet pussy too, don’t you think?”

Atthat point,Celiacouldn’tthink anymore.Fiercekept lapping her clit, sending her higher and higher in an orgasm that seemed like it would never end.

Atlast, however,Holdseemed to get concerned.Heput a hand over her heart and frowned before shaking his head and saying,

“Brother, you need to stop.Ourlady’s heart is pounding!”

TheDarkTwinlooked up and licked his lips.

“Sorry,lelka,”he growled. “It’sjust that your honey is so sweet andI’vebeen waiting so long to taste you.”Henodded atHold. “Iknow my brother wants a turn between your thighs too.”

“Sheneeds to rest first,”Holdsaid firmly. “Comeup and help me keep our lady warm,Brother.”

“Mmm, with pleasure.”Fierceslid out from between her thighs and came up to lie onCelia’sleft side, whileHoldshifted to be on her right.

Aftera moment of panting to catch her breath,Celiawas able to turn on her side, facing theDarkTwin.Themoment she did,Fiercecupped her cheek in one big hand and kissed her, claiming her mouth and parting her lips to feed her own secret flavor to her.

Celiamoaned breathlessly and kissed him back.Whydid she taste so good on his lips?Andwhy couldn’t she seem to stop kissing him?

Maybebecause you don’twantto stop,whispered a little voice in her head.Maybebecause it feels toogoodto stop.

Shesnuggled between them, kissingFierceand then turning to kissHold, for a good long time.Bothbig warriors caressed her, running their big, warm hands all over her naked body, making her feel incredibly hot…as well as loved and cared for.

Shouldn’tbe doing this,whispered a guilty little voice in her head, butCeliapushed it away.Thefeeling of being between them with their hard cocks branding her belly and back and their hot mouths and warm hands on her body was too pleasurable to ask them to stop.


“Ithink it’s my turn now, my lady.”

Celiabit her lip.Oncemore she felt guilty.Shouldshe let theLightTwincontinue what theDarkTwinhad started?Shecouldn’t help wondering ifHoldwould have a different oral technique if she let him taste her, but should she?