Page 79 of Unwrapped

Itwas clear from the moans and groans and squeaking sounds coming from the many curtained off areas that the other recruits were certainly doing astheyshould,Celiathought.Througha gap in the curtains, she caught sight ofSess’elyand her three goat men again.

Theunicorn girl was kneeling on the bed, sucking two of her worshippers at the same time and the third was fucking her from behind.Celiathought she looked blissfully happy…then she rememberedLa’ver’na’splan for the little quartet and shivered.

Ifpossible, she would have to try and find a way to warnSess’ely.Maybeshe and her goat men worshippers could go back toJoCostaPrimeand live happily ever after together.Ofcourse,JoCostansociety might not approve of their polyamorous relationship, but that was better than being eaten by a tree!

Shetried to put that out of her mind as they finally got back to their own sleeping area and sat on the bed together.

Theminute they got settled with the curtains drawn,Holdpulled a small medical kit out from beneath the mattress and opened it.

“Allright, my lady—let me see your hurt hand,” he instructed, suddenly all business.

Celiaheld it out to him, palm up, and he took a tiny bottle from the small kit and sprayed it over the many tiny pin-prick wounds that covered her palm and fingers.

“There.”Henodded and recapped the bottle before putting it away. “Thatwill seal your wounds and keep out any infection.Yourhand will still be tender for a while but it will heal much more quickly than it would have without treatment.”

“Thankyou,Hold.”Celiaflexed her fingers, noting that she was now able to close her hand in a loose fist without too much pain. “Itfeels so much be—” she began, but just then the three of them heard thetap-tap-tappingsound of hooves approaching their sleeping area.

“Quick!”Celiahissed. “Ifshe catches us not doing anything…”

HoldandFiercewere in action before she even finished her sentence.TheDarkTwinsettled against the living headboard and pulled her back so that she was resting against his broad chest.Atthe same time, he opened her leaf towel and pulled it apart to bare her body completely.Thenhe reached around her and cupped both of her breasts in his big hands, just as he had in the shower.

AstheDarkTwinwas getting her into position,Holdalso sprang into action.Heshoved the tiny medical kit back under the mattress and spreadCelia’sthighs.

“Oh, what—?”Celiabarely had time to gasp before theLightTwinwas kneeling over her pussy, so close that she could feel his hot breath stirring the curls on her mound.

Thecurtain was yanked back andGer’thastood there, frowning at the three of them.Whenshe saw the position they were in, her gaze softened slightly.

“Well,Imust sayI’mglad to see you worshipping your goddess correctly,” she remarked.

“We’redoing our best to bring her pleasure,”Holdassured her.Dippinghis head, he kissed the top ofCelia’sslit and then rubbed his cheek against her mound, making her groan and buck her hips.

“Yes, we want our goddess to be well satisfied,”Fierceadded, tugging her tender nipples again.

“Oh…ohhhh!”Celiamoaned and arched her back for effect.Actually, she didn’t have to fake much—it felt amazing to be between the two bigKindredwith both of them touching and teasing her.

“Verywell, keep it up!I’llcheck back again later.”AndGer’thafinally closed the curtain again, giving them their nominal privacy.

Celiaexpected the guys to stop what they were doing…only they didn’t.Fiercekept massaging her breasts and tugging her nipples andHoldcontinued to kiss her pussy—though he was at least, only kissing the outside, she noted.

“Guys…” she murmured, feeling breathless. “She…she’s gone.Youdon’t have to…to keep doing what you’re doing.”

“Betternot stop now,”Fiercerumbled in her ear. “Afterall, she might come back.”

“Fierceis right.”Holdlooked up at her andCeliasaw that his eyes were half-lidded with pleasure. “Besides, my lady,I’vebeen wanting to kiss you here from the moment we startedDream-sharing with you.Won’tyou let me continue?I’monly kissing theoutsideof your pussy,” he added.

“Well…”Celiabit her lip. “Iguess as long as you’re just kissing me on the outside and not…not anything else.”

“Justkissing,”Holdpromised and bent his head to lay a gentle kiss on her pussy slit.Forjust a moment,Celiathought she felt the tip of his tongue slip inside to flick briefly over her swollen clit, but it was so quick she couldn’t tell if she’d imagined it or not.

“Mmm, love to watch you getting your pussy kissed,”Fiercerumbled in her ear as he continued to tease her tight nipples. “Doesit feel good,lelka?Doyou like being between us like this?”

“I…Iguess so,”Celiapanted, not knowing what else to say.Theslow, delicious torture went on and on, withFiercetugging and twisting her nipples andHoldkissing just the outside of her pussy and rubbing his cheek against her mound untilCeliathought she might snap from the tension.Shemoaned restlessly and writhed between them.

Sheneeded badly to come, but she felt strongly that letting herself come was cheating, so she was holding back.Luckily, except for a few more kisses on her slit where the tip ofHold’stongue flicked briefly inside to tease her, she wasn’t getting direct stimulation to her clit, so she was able to keep from orgasming.

ButthenFierceshifted behind her and growled.

“Enough,Brother—you’ve had your turn.Ishould get to kissCelia’spussy now.”