Page 78 of Unwrapped

“Good.Youhonor us with your trust.”Holdwas already getting a handful of sweet smelling lather from the wooden dispenser beside the shower nozzle.Itwas pale pink and smelled like crushed leaves in the fall.Celiathought that it was definitely not a scent she’d smelled before as a body wash, but the fragrance was actually really nice.

Fiercegot a handful of the pale pink foam too and began using it to wash her back.Celiacould feel his big, strong hands caressing her and then massaging her shoulders, which were incredibly tight—probably because she was still stressed about the awful things they’d seen onFifthBranch.

“Oh…miDios,”she moaned asFiercemassaged her. “Thatfeels sogood.”

“Gladyou like it,lelka,”he murmured in her ear, his strong fingers moving down her back. “Thoughtyou looked a little tense.”

Meanwhile,Holdwas on one knee in front of her, spreading the sweet smelling foam up and down her calves and thighs and feet.

“Mylady,” he murmured, looking up atCelia. “Wouldyou lean back againstFierceand put your foot on my thigh?”

“Oh, um…okay.”Celiadid as he asked, leaning back against theDarkTwin’sbroad chest and placing her right foot on theLightTwin’sthigh.

Holdimmediately started massaging her, starting at her foot and moving up her calf and thigh, his long fingers digging into her tired muscles.

Celiamoaned again, and relaxed even more againstFierce, who had considerately wrapped one long arm around her waist to help her stay upright.

“Doesit feel good, my lady?”Holdasked, looking up at her. “Doyou like it whenFierceandIpamper you?”

“Yes…yes,Ido,”Celiaadmitted.TheLightTwinfinished with her right leg and then placed it gently on the floor and did her left leg as well.

Celiarelaxed and let him do it—and she couldn’t help contrasting her current situation with the last time she’d taken a shower withPeter.Shehad scrubbed her fiancé’s back and chest but he hadnotreturned the favor.Plus, he’d hogged most of the shower spray, leaving her feeling wet and cold the whole time.

Well, it was a different kind of shower—the spray wasn’t as wide,she tried to tell herself.Butthen she decided to just stop thinking ofPeter—after all, the guys weren’t touching her anywhere sexual so it wasn’t like she was really cheating…

“Mmm,lelka,would you like me to wash your front as well?”Fiercegrowled in her ear asHoldfinished with her other leg and placed her foot back on the floor.

Celiabit her lip.Shouldshe?Really, she shouldn’t.Butthen, what ifGer’thawalked in and caught the two big warriorsnottouching her?Andwhat about her nipples?Theyhadto turn blue and apparently sexual contact was the only way to make that happen.

You’rejustifying all this and you’re going to feel guilty later,whispered a little voice in her head.ButCeliapushed it away.Aslong as it was just touching and not anything else, it couldn’t really be counted as cheating, she told herself.

“Yes,Fierce,” she told theDarkTwin. “Goahead and…and wash my front.”

“Mmmm…with pleasure,lelka.”Reachingaround her, he got another handful of foam and rubbed it between his palms.Thenhe cupped her breasts in his big hands and began “washing” her—though it was really more of a massaging, squeezing motion that ended with him tugging lightly at her nipples and sending sparks of pleasure through her whole body.

“Ohhhh…Dios!”Celiamoaned as theDarkTwincontinued to knead her bare breasts and tug at her nipples

“Youlike that,lelka?”he growled softly in her ear and she could feel his long shaft branding her ass and the small of her back. “Doesit feel good whenIwash you like this?”

“Yes!”Celiamoaned.Lookingdown, she saw thatHoldwas massaging some of the pale pink foam into her inner thighs and then washing the little thatch of curls on her pussy mound.Shehad never felt so surrounded by masculine energy before—never felt so cared for and pampered.Bothbig warriors had raging hard-ons but they were wholly concentrated on makingherfeel good.

Butjust as she felt like she was about to melt into a puddle of lust butter right between them,Ger’thastuck her horned head in the shower room.

“Hurryup, you three!” she exclaimed. “Showertime is over!It’stime for bed.”

“Oh, um—sorry!”Celiastraightened up, reflexively covering her breasts with one arm and her pussy with the other.Herhurt hand was a lot less painful now, she noted, though it was still pretty tender.

Holdsaw her flexing her hand carefully and rose to murmur in her ear,

“Don’tworry, my lady—I’llsee to your wounds as soon as we get back to our sleeping area.Ihave some wound-heal spray that should fix you right up.”

“Thankyou.”Celiasmiled at him as the three of them rinsed themselves off.

Therewas a stack of purple towels on a wooden bench that were the same color as theMotherTree’shuge leaves.Afterpicking one up,Celiarealized it must be one of the leaves, cut down to towel size.Ithad one furry side and one smooth side.Thefurry side seemed more absorbent so she used it to wipe herself down and then wrapped the leaf-towel around herself securely.

Theguys dried themselves as well and then all of them took their clothes and filed back into the dormitory, under the watchful eye ofGer’tha.

“Allright—get settled and then mind you try again to turn your goddess’s nipples blue,” she reminded them sternly. “I’llbe checking on you three to make sure you’re doing as you should.”