Page 101 of Losing Control

“I told you,” she assured him, her voice still raw. “I’ll be all right.”

“Why isn’t that chopper here yet?” he yelled.

Even as he spoke, they all heard the whir of the rotor blades and the roaring sound as the bird set down. Then Cole was running from the cabin with Dana in his arms, protecting her from the rotor wash as he lifted her into the chopper, setting her on the seat while he climbed in after her.

“Get this thing up in the air,” he told George. “You can radio Salado General. They’re set up to accept Life Flite so I know they can handle us. Do you need their frequency?”

George shook his head. “Gaylen got us all set up just in case.”

Just before he increased the speed of the blades, they heard Gaylen yell, “Hey, Scott. Your men need to see what’s back here. If you aren’t sick yet, you will be in a minute.”


A medical team was waiting at the helipad on the roof of Salado General hospital when the chopper set down. They raced forward and literally pried Dana from Cole’s arms, placing her gently on the gurney. Before he could climb down himself, they’d rushed her through the glass doors. He waved at George before hurrying after them. He had to stop someone to find out where the trauma center was, then fumed impatiently as he waited for the elevator.

He nearly wore out the tile in the trauma waiting area pacing in front of the treatment room where doctors were checking Dana over. Luckily, they’d gotten to her before she suffered any real injuries, but they wanted to make sure the chloroform was out of her system and that none of her bruises were serious. He was sorry Scott had pulled him away from his uncle. When he saw Dana on the bed, tied and naked, the killing need in him had been so strong a red haze clouded his vision.

The agent had been right, of course, to point out that Dana needed him. A lot of good he’d do her sitting in jail for murder. But now they’d been at the hospital for more than an hour, and no one would come and tell him a thing.

About the time he was ready to storm the room, and to hell with the consequences, a woman in scrubs and a white lab coat came through the swinging door. “Sheriff Landry?”


“I’m Dr. Hallowell.”

He was almost afraid to hear what the doctor had to say. “How is she?”

She gave him a tired smile. “She has a lot of bruising over her body from her breasts to her thighs. But from what she tells me, you got there before he could do any real damage to her. Any worse damage,” she corrected herself. “I gave her a shot for pain, just in case.”

Cole had to swallow twice to keep from being sick.

The doctor shoved her hands in her pockets. “She told me she was the only survivor of his victims twenty-five years ago. I’d recommend she see a therapist after she’s released. This is a shattering experience for anyone. In her case, she’ll need all the help she can get just to get through it.” She tilted her head and looked up at him. “May I ask what your relationship is with her? It’s obviously well past the official stage of sheriff and victim.”

“I’m going to marry her.” He hadn’t known it until that moment, but he felt the rightness of it clear through him.

She gave him a hard look. “I see. Well, then. I hope you’ll be able to give her the love and support she’ll need. She’s been through a horrendous ordeal. She may have some latent issues resurface…”

“I’ll do whatever is needed to help her on the road to recovery. Both physically and mentally.” His voiced grew louder. “Are we clear on that?”

“Sheriff, I have perfect hearing. It’s not necessary to shout.” She smiled. “I get the message.”

“When can I see her?” he demanded.

“She asked for you several times. I think she’d feel better if you were with her. You can—”

Cole brushed past her and pushed his way into the room. Dana was lying on a treatment bed, eyes closed, her skin whiter than the sheets. He pulled a rolling stool over, sat down, and took her small hand in his.

“We got him, darlin’.” He lifted her hand, kissed the knuckles. “He’ll never hurt you or anyone else ever again. And it’s all because you wouldn’t quit. Because you came back here and stirred things up. You get full credit for this.”

She moaned softly.

“I’m so sorry I sent him to you. I didn’t know. I swear it. I thought I was keeping you safe. I love you, Dana. Is it fast? Sure. But it doesn’t have to take a long time to fall in love. My plan is to take care of you for the rest of your life.” He squeezed her hand.

She squeezed his hand back. “I know. I love you, too. And Cole? Your uncle? That’s on him, not you.”

Cole Landry felt his heart crack. He was emotionally battered and physically drained. The man who’d been like a second father to him had turned out to be the vilest of creatures. He felt as if the heart had been ripped out. He had no idea how he’d face his aunt or his cousins. Or if the town and the county would think he was tainted by his uncle’s actions. He hated to even think that Tate had helped him get this job so he could control any investigation that popped up into the old cases. Except for Dana, his entire life as he’d known it had disintegrated like wet tissue.

He leaned his arm on the side rail of the bed, put his head down on his forearm, and finally let himself fall apart. Clutching Dana’s hand, he cried harder than he had since he was ten years old.