Scott checked his gun, made sure a round was chambered, and nodded. “Let’s go.”
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Dana found her mind drifting back to the barn where Kylie had been killed and she’d barely survived. He’d had all the power back then, but not anymore.
She knew better now. She was no longer a seven-year-old little girl. She was a woman who knew her own mind, and she knew this man was one sick bastard. She wasn’t going to let history repeat itself, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to let him kill her. She was stronger this time. She was even stronger than him. Cole had given her that strength. She’d find a way to hold herself together until he could get here.
Even letting the monster grope her wasn’t so bad as long as she let her mind go somewhere else. Pretend it wasn’t happening. She looked at the ceiling made of chinked logs and began counting each of the logs. When she’d counted them twice, she began on the walls.
“If you think your lack of response will make me stop, little girl, you’re very much mistaken. It does, in fact, urge me to more bizarre actions to stimulate you.” He gave that high cackle again she was familiar with. “But that will be lots of fun, won’t it, little girl? I didn’t tape your mouth like I did the others, you know. If you are to be my last enjoyment, I want to hear every exciting scream.”
He walked over to the dresser, opened a drawer, and took out a large box. When he came back to the bed and showed her his toys, she finally knew real fear.
They crept slowly through the trees, watching for the sensors through the NVGs. They’d be on the surface, made of metal and easy to spot with the goggles. As they got closer to the cabin, the little dots of titanium began to glow in the green light.
Calling on memories from years before, Cole led them in a zigzag pattern avoiding the sensors and taking them around to the front of the cabin, which faced away from them. Tate’s truck was parked in the small clearing. Light from one lamp spilled into the woods, and they crouched low, scuttling below the window to avoid being seen.
They had just tiptoed up to the porch when a scream split the night and Cole’s blood turned ice cold.
Dana watched the man as he moved about the cabin. Every so often, he’d stop by the bed, reach over and pinch her nipples. The pain was so bad she couldn’t stifle the scream that ripped from her throat.
“I love that sound,” he crooned. “And I’ve just gotten started. Oh, yes, I expect you’ll be screaming until the lovely little throat is raw.”
When he picked up a single razor blade, Dana felt the nausea rise at the back of her throat.
“There was a little girl who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead…”
Tate Bishop was so busy focusing on her, he never heard the door crash in until it was too late.
Cole leaped on him like a madman, knocking the razor blade loose. His hands were around Tate’s throat, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing. Tate tried to grab his wrists and pull him away, but Cole just squeezed harder.
Dana tried to turn her body to hide her nakedness from the stranger who entered with Cole, but he got to her first and covered her with his jacket. Tears rolled down her cheeks, tears of relief as much as pain.
“Cole. Cole, damn it.” The stranger pressed his arm around Cole’s neck to pull him back, at the same time yanking his radio from his belt. “Come in, everyone. Jesus, get your asses here right now.”
“I’m going to kill the bastard.” Cole’s voice was rough and thick. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”
“Think of Dana.” The man pulled harder. “Cole, look at her. She needs you. Come on, man.”
“Cole?” The word came out as a croak from her raw throat.
Cole blinked hard, looked at her, then slowly released Tate and moved to the bed, leaving the stranger to cuff Tate. “Oh, Dana. Oh, sweetheart. Jesus, God. Let me get you out of here.”
He pulled out a pocketknife, opened it, and sliced through the ropes binding her. Then he picked her up gently in his arms.
“Scott.” He shouted at the other man in the room. “Get that damn chopper to land in the clearing. I need to get her to the hospital. Now.”
“On its way.”
Cole’s lips landed all over her face, showering her with soft yet desperate kisses.
“I’ll be all right,” she tried to assure him. “I just need…a little time to heal. I held on for you, Cole. I knew you’d come for me.” More tears ran down her face.
She could tell he wanted to hug her so tightly neither of them would be able to breathe, but he was restraining himself, not sure how badly she was hurt. And the rage in his eyes was a terrible thing to see.