“You are still all elbows,” she teased, dabbing her blouse. The stain covered the entirety of her chest, making the material cling to her. I grabbed a napkin and sponged my arm, the damage less on my sleeve. There were a few droplets on the notebook that I hurried to wipe off.
“Shit, I didn’t mean to,” I groaned. Nicole looked down at herself with a hitched sob. She clutched the napkin to her soaked blouse, like it was a lifeline. She waved off the staff from the cafe who checked in on her.
“God, I’m a wreck. I’ve got a job interview in thirty minutes.” She slumped and dabbed at the stain ineffectually. “I guess that’s impossible. There is no way I can get home to change and back to make my waitressing trial.”
I winced at her pointed comment. It reminded me of the different worlds we inhabited. If not for Adelaide, I wouldn’t have the education and stability I did. Nicole hadn’t been so fortunate. The cycle of poverty clung to kids like us, who grew up untethered and downtrodden. I stared at the pavement with a clenched jaw, wishing the ground would swallow me up. Would the repercussions of my actions ever let up?
“My place is just around the corner,” I sighed, the lump in my stomach not letting me walk away without fixing this. I owed it to Nicole, not that she would realize how much. “You can shower and borrow one of Adelaide’s shirts. This is a peace offering, before we both move on.” She nodded, discarding the napkins on the table.
“Please, that would be great.” Nicole clutched her hands together. “I’m desperate for work, to be honest. It’s like there is nothing in the city. Every opportunity I get seems to dry up as soon as I say my name.”
I ignored the hint of accusation in her voice, but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. The short walk to the apartment had my clothes sticking to my body from sweat. It made me uncomfortable, having Nicole in this space that was so personal to me. She wandered around with eyes wide, taking in every detail she could find. Then she reached out to pick up a frame that held a picture of the four of us together and I made a noise.
“The shower is through here.” I ushered Nicole into the main bedroom ensuite, wanting to get her in and out as quickly as possible. My fingers shook as I opened the closet and flicked through some of the hanging clothes. I narrowed my eyes at the rows, trying to cut through the light-headedness.
“Here, jump in and get clean. I’ll leave a blouse on the bed.” I lay a white button-up, similar enough to her ruined one, on the bed. Nicole tittered, her finger popping open the top three buttons in quick succession. Her soaked bra became visible.I averted my gaze immediately as she continued to undress, racing toward the door.
“You don’t want to join me?” Nicole taunted. I didn’t bother to respond, slamming the door behind me. My heart thumped in my ears. My earlier nausea returned, sick pressure that needed an outlet. Thinking of Adelaide made the feeling subside, but the idea of Nicole in something of Adelaide’s had me sagging on the door. I felt like a fly wandering into a web. How could five minutes feel like an hour? I wondered as I looked at my watch in frustration.
“Briar?” Nicole called out, and I groaned under my breath. My stomach was cramping now. Was this guilt or something else?
“What is it?” I called through the door, hand resting on the knob.
“I need to tell you something. Can you come in?” Her voice sounded breathy.
Nope. No way. Absolutely not.
Alarm bells crashed against the sides of my skull. Even I wasn’t stupid enough to be alone in a bedroom with any other girl but Adelaide. My compass was swinging very clearly to the negative. Forget guilt and obligation, get far away from Nicole.
“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea—” I protested, but the door swung open, and Nicole launched herself at me, her lips flying toward mine like a missile.
Ray looked over his wine glass at me with a grimace. The candlelight flickered over the crisp white tablecloth, but to my blackened heart it seemed macabre instead of romantic.
“How am I meant to seduce you if you won’t let your inhibitions go with a little drink?” he teased, and I screwed my nose up. Scion was quiet tonight and Raimondo had insisted we take the window seat for maximum visibility. The quiet chink of cutlery and low chatter grated on my taut nerves.
“Gross. Let’s nix the jokes about sordid affairs for once.” I sipped my sparkling water. I wanted a drink, badly, if I was honest, but I couldn’t stomach much of anything lately. Sparkling water was the only thing that settled my permanently upset stomach. Ray snorted and sighed.
“It’s not an affair when you’re singlecara. But I digress. While these meetings are fantastic for my rep, they have been hindering me in other pursuits.” I didn’t miss the sidelong glance he sent toward Lara. She’d insisted on coming tonight for moral support. Her hastily organized date with a man from her gym seemed to be going well. A fine silver necklace sparkled on her neck as she threw her head back and laughed.
“Was that a gift from you, by any chance?” I wondered aloud, the silent clench of his jaw confirming it for me.
I toyed with my silver entrée fork and sent him a narrow-eyed glare. The Donato heir and I had come closer over the past few months. Harold had officially named him heir, after my urging. It truly felt like the start of a new era in Greenich Bay, in which both crime families could finally exist together. I had also become accustomed to his appreciation of Lara. So, I knew exactly whatpursuitsRay was talking about, namely his dogged attempts to secure a date with her. Our fake dates meant he spent a lot of time in her company, vastly preferring it to mine. Not that Lara seemed to mind. She was enjoying playing hard to get.
“You get one warning, Raimondo. If you mess with Lara, I will ruin you,” I told him, and his throat bobbed.
“Impossible when I have to get through you and your brutish guard. But tell me, has Lara... said anything to you?” he fished, seeming nervous. I was on high alert.
“Who are you talking about? Jonah?” I slid a look at the burly blonde and was surprised to see him watching Lara. Ray gave a smug snort, tipping his glass toward me.
“My dear, you are off your game if you weren’t aware of his pining. It would be truly disturbing, but unfortunately, I understand his position.”
“Ray. Ray. Ray.” I clicked my tongue. “Don’t tell me you’ve gone and fallen for my lovely Lara?” I don’t know how I feltabout it. Lara was my best friend, and I wanted only the most wonderful man for her. I don’t think the man sitting across from me could be that, but Ray had become a weird sort of companion over the last few months. Jonah was no better. He was certainly a good man but spent most of his time lurking after me. How would he give my friend the time and attention she deserved? Jonah shifted in the shadows, his eyes narrowing at the fit man across from Lara.
“Is that so surprising? Perhaps we can come to an agreement, like your exes.” Ray sighed, resting his head in his hand. A dull ache spread through my chest. Ray was usually careful not to mention the men who had broken my heart. A fierce sting forced a sheen of water over my eyes. I blinked it away, grinding my teeth. I’d been an emotional mess for the last two months, since I’d said goodbye to the boys. Two months of subsisting, being tossed through wild swings of emotions until I was breathless. Lara said I was grieving, but it felt like I was dying. Last week I’d done a walk through on Calder Place, to confirm my approval before demolition and construction started. I’d seen our tree, with our initials carved into it. So deep, like a brand in my heart, the mark of them never fading. Not even time had lessened their proprietary hold on me. I never wanted Lara to feel one ounce of the agony I was in right now.