Vicer let out a vicious curse which I chose to ignore. Unrolling her message, I scanned it. “It’s a reminder the full moon is approaching, and Regner will be taking Jamic to the barrier.” The man had an obsession with the moon. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was tied to his power somehow. That, or the mythical book I kept hearing about.

Vicer scowled. “We have five days. I’ll send a message to Prisca and the others.”

Less than an hour later,Calysian knocked on the door of our safe house. By the time I made it downstairs, he was surrounded by hybrids, his expression holding its usual sardonic amusement.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up. Either the man was an idiot, which was still to be determined, or he was so dangerous, he didn’t see any of the hybrids in this place—and the power we wielded—as a threat.

Vicer let out a snarl. “Who is this?”

“Madinia and I are old friends.” Calysian gave him a cold smile, his gaze flicking between us consideringly.

I elbowed Vicer aside. “He owes me a favor.”

“A favor?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

If Vicer had access to my fire, he likely would have set both of us alight. Something had changed in him recently. He was quiet, continually brooding. I hadn’t seen him smile once.

Vicer met my eyes, clearly attempting to stay calm. “You’re not meeting the Cleaver alone,”he said. “Prisca would never allow it.”

Fury sparked through me. “Prisca’s not here. I make my own choices, Vicer. Don’t forget that.”

He narrowed his eyes. “If you go missing and fuck up our plans, no one is coming to rescue you.”

“Haven’t you heard?” Calysian smirked. “Madinia Farrow doesn’t need rescuing.”

I ground my teeth. The mockery in his words had been unmistakable.

Vicer met Calysian’s eyes. “Don’t come back here,” he warned him.

Calysian merely shrugged one shoulder, clearly unconcerned, strolled away.

I followed him. “How did you find me?”

His eyes turned cool for the first time. “Surprisingly easily. Your people will be tempted to return to this place when you’ve executed your plan. You’ll likely have injuries to tend to and will be exhausted. Don’t let them.”

My heart tripped, and I kept my gaze on his as I nodded.

Calysian led me through the slums, his expression relaxed, even as his eyes scanned the streets relentlessly.

By the time we arrived at what appeared to be an abandoned building, my hands were hot, smoke curling from them. Calysian raised one eyebrow. “Scared?”

I ignored him. He just nodded. “That’s good. Only an idiot wouldn’t be scared. You’re smarter than you’ve demonstrated so far.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You shouldn’t have come here alone. I could have killed you nine times already.”

My hands fired at that. “Try,” I dared him.

His eyes glittered. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? To be able to kill something? Or for someone to finally kill you and put you out of your misery?”

My spine tingled with fury. “You don’t know me.”

“I’ve seen everything I need to know.”

It didn’t sound like a compliment. Ignoring the way his words twisted in my gut, I turned away, surveying the building. It was cracked and ragged, like a piece of parchment that had been folded and unfolded so many times it had worn through in places. The air was filled with the scent of dust and decay.