One dark eyebrow shot up. “You continue to surprise me.”

I shrugged. “Can you do it?”

“Yes. You’re sure this is what you want to want to use your life debt for?” Doubt coated his voice, and I understood. A life debt was called such a thing for a reason. Because it was usually used to save lives. But at this moment in time, gaining access to the Cleaver could potentially save hundreds of those lives.

We needed a distraction.

“I’m sure.”

He nodded. “In that case, I’ll find you when I’ve arranged the meeting.”

I opened my mouth to tell him it wouldn’t be that easy to find me, but from the calm confidence on his face, he wasn’t exactly concerned about locating me. His huge body uncoiled, and he got to his feet. “Be careful.”

I made sure my expression was coolly blank, not deigning to reply. He angled his head, curiosity glinting in his eyes.

“Prickly,” he said. “I like that.”

“Come closer,” I said. “And you’ll see just how prickly.”

His laugh was strangely compelling. He did it often, as if he were sucking the joy from every moment of his life.

“I’ll see you soon, Madinia Farrow,” he crooned, his voice low, ensuring no one would overhear my name.

I waved my hand, a clear demand for him to leave.

He strolled away.

The heat was becoming stifling in the crowded tavern. Slipping between swaying drunkards, I made my way to the door, the din muting as it swung shut behind me. My boots echoed on the cracked cobblestones, the fresh air clearing the fog from my mind as I wound through the slums and back to our safe house.

Most of the humans and hidden hybrids in this city wouldn’t believe us if we told them Regner had lied to them all this time. If we revealed he’d lied to their parents, their grandparents, their great-grandparents.

Their beliefs were like roots entrenched in ancient soil—clinging fiercely, digging deep. Those roots reached into their minds, smothering any whispers of truth, any longing to understand. Prying those roots free would be almost impossible. Some people would refuse to listen. But others…others might. And for every person we convinced…

It was worth it. I had to believe it was worth it.

I didn’t know why I was so determined to do this. Perhaps it was because my father had known the truth—and let me live with the terror. Perhaps it was because I’d never get to meet my hybrid mother—and this was something I could do for our people.

Perhaps it was just because I enjoyed thinking about the look on Regner’s face when he learned of it.

Either way, I would make it happen.

I was just a few feet away from the front door when I felt a gaze on the back of my neck. Whirling, I put my back to the wall, lifting my hand.

The queen’s messenger stuttered. “I-I’m sorry.”

The same messenger who continued to find me each time. I ground my teeth. “How did you find me?”

“I-I only go where Her Majesty tells me to go.” His gaze dropped to my hand. “P-please.”

Sighing, I dampened my fire and took his message.


With a roll of my eyes, I handed him a coin. He gave me a solemn nod and scampered away.

“Who was that?” Vicer asked when I’d climbed the stairs to the hidden safe house within the brothel.

“The queen’s messenger. She continues to find me.”