Page 52 of Needing Her

“We’ll be watching you, Mini,” he warned as I smacked his hand and stepped back.

“That’s nice.” Grabbing Amber so she wouldn’t try something, like accidentally tripping and falling onto one of my brother’s laps again, I turned without ever looking at Connor and continued to the bar.

Everything in me rebelled against the action, begged to go back to their table so I could study his expression and look for hints of his earlier frustration, but I had a plan. And twenty minutes after we walked away from their table, I put that plan into action.

Heading toward the back of the building, I slowed as I entered the hall that held the restrooms and hoped like hell this worked. My stomach clenched with anticipation and worry as I waited, much like it had all day.

As upset as I still was with Connor for everything that happened that morning, those insecurities had been quick to rise once I left his apartment and had only grown as the day wore on without a word from him.

I wanted answers. I wanted him to trust and care about me enough to share personal details about his life—especially since he already knew so many of mine. But it was clear that pushing him to open up would only push him away.

So, I could be the girl he craved when he was away and couldn’t tear himself away from once he had her near. I could be the fun and carefree Maci if that was all he wanted. I could hide how much he meant to me.

At least, I could try...

My heart rate kicked up, and the corners of my mouth twitched when Connor came storming down the hall just a couple minutes later with a determined look on his handsome face. Never slowing as he grabbed my waist and hauled me against him, capturing my lips as he caged me against the wall.

“Trying to kill me, sweetheart?” he asked before stealing another hard, breathtaking kiss.

“Not sure what you mean,” I lied, another smile pulling at my mouth in response to the growl rumbling in his chest and the way his grip on me tightened.

After a quick glance over his shoulder, Connor grabbed my hand and hauled me into the women’s restroom. Pulling me close and attacking my mouth with renewed fierceness before the door had ever shut.

“This fucking shirt,” he breathed as he made a scorching trail down my neck and chest. One of his hands gripping my bare back while the other moved the front of my top aside so he could torture one of my nipples with his lips and tongue.

“Oh God,” I whispered when his teeth scraped against the hardened bud. Securing my fingers in his hair, I brought his face back to mine and whimpered against the force of our next kiss.

Lips demanding all of me as he curled me tighter into his embrace. Holding me like I was something to be worshiped and revered. Making my heart soar when he shifted back long enough to search my eyes before claiming my mouth again.

I was sure nothing could’ve broken through that moment, but my foolish heart and reckless thoughts were enough to bring me to a crashing halt.

Because I’d let myself believe I’d seen something deep and unwavering in his eyes. I’d had the fleeting thought that I could do this with Connor forever. And that kind of thinking would only lead to another argument where I pushed for more, and he shut down. It wouldn’t let me hold onto the Maci I needed to be for him.

One who simply enjoyed the physical connection we shared.

One who hadn’t been desperately in love with him for so long.

“We have to stop,” I said as I pressed my hands to his chest, holding him back. “My brothers will realize I’m not with Amber and start looking for me.”

“Fuck,” he muttered and quickly looked around as if he’d forgotten about my brothers and where we were. Focusing on me again, his hands flexed against me. “You can’t expect me to go back out there with them when I can’t take my eyes off you.”

Wings erupted in my stomach, but I hurried to fight the reaction.

It’s just the outfit. That’s all, I internally berated myself. Stop making his words and looks into something they aren’t.

Once I had a handle on myself, I pressed harder against the planes of his chest and asked, “Should I leave then?”

“With me,” he said immediately, surprising me before he shook his head and backtracked. “Give me a few minutes. I’ll check my phone and tell your brothers I’m going to meet up with a girl. Ten minutes after I leave—fuck it. Five. Five minutes after, you and Amber leave too. If your brothers ask where you’re going, say another bar.”

“And I’m just expected to do what you say?” I asked slowly, a coy smile spreading across my face at the heated look he gave me.

“Five minutes.”

“Amber’s gonna kill me.”

I lifted a shoulder because Amber was only here for me—for this. Her boyfriend was waiting for her at his place. “She’ll be fine.”

“Apologize for me,” he said before kissing me one last time. Slowly, tenderly. Taking his time as the tips of his fingers moved over my skin and left fire in their wake.