Page 53 of Needing Her

So unlike the demanding kisses from before, and so, completely destroying the act I’d been portraying. By the time he released me, I was all fluttering wings, a chaotically beating heart, and a giddy smile.

“Goddamn, Maci,” he muttered as his thumbs lovingly drifted along my jaw. With a faint brush of his lips across my forehead, he stepped back and righted my shirt. “Five minutes, sweetheart,” he repeated. “I’ll be waiting in your apartment.”

“See you there,” I assured him, those wings flapping harder when his stare slid over me once more before lingering on my eyes.

And then he was gone.

Leaving me there, barely able to catch my breath and struggling to compose myself. To remember the sides of me I had to hide so I wouldn’t ruin this. But when I followed Connor out of the bathroom and caught sight of him searching me out just before he left the hall, I realized I no longer cared if he knew just how much he meant to me.

Not when he looked at me like that. Not when he held me the way he did.

Not when my heart and soul were screaming to say the words I’d kept back for so long.

He might run. But he also might stay...

“Don’t fall for it, honey.”

I blinked quickly and looked at the woman who’d just entered the hall, and felt my brow furrow when I realized she was talking to me. “Excuse me?”

“Connor Green,” she said as she spared a quick glance over her shoulder, his name rolling off her tongue like he was a legend or something. “I get it; I swear I do. But don’t fall for it.”

One of my eyebrows lifted because I absolutely doubted she got it. “Fall for what, exactly?”

“You think I don’t know you two were just in the bathroom together?” A condescending huff left her. “That’s just the start for him. He’ll call you ‘Sweetheart,’ say all the right things to get in your pants, and make you feel special for a little while. But then he’ll leave you without a second thought and move on to the next. It’s what he does.”

I’d stopped breathing at “Sweetheart.”

How could I have forgotten? How could I be so stupid?

“I’m just warning you so you don’t get hurt,” the woman said, even though I had no doubt from the wicked twist of her lips that making me feel less than was her goal.

“Right...thank you,” I said and forced a smile even as tears burned the backs of my eyes. “I’m so glad you warned me before it went further.”

She gave me a sympathetic smile that was as fake as her breasts and patted me on the shoulder as I hurried past her.

Hurrying through the bar, I found Amber and grabbed her hand, taking her with me as I continued toward the front door. I just needed to make it there.

I needed to—

“Mini, where are you going in such a hurry?”


Drawing in a steeling breath, I looked toward the sound of my brother and locked onto Connor’s surprised and confused expression instead. “Go to Hell.”

“Hey!” Dylan and Dakota said at the same time, but I was already walking again.

“Oh my God, are you okay?” Amber asked once we finally made it outside and were hurrying to my car.


“What happened?” she asked just as a sob broke from me.

I didn’t try responding, and Amber didn’t say anything else until we were in my car and I was reversing out of the spot.

“I saw him follow you, so what happened?” she softly begged. “What did that asshole say?”

“He didn’t—” I choked out, my head quickly shaking. “He didn’t say anything bad. We made out, and it was actually really hot. But this girl approached me when I was leaving the hall, and she was very clearly someone he’d been with.” A soft sob left me as I tried blinking back the forming tears.”