“Explain,” I wrote back. After dropping the bomb that he felt a connection between us, I needed more information than what he was giving. I needed to be crystal clear as to what he was saying because…well, it felt like it could change things.
“I like we can talk about almost anything with each other. We’ve done so much talking, I feel we’ve really been able to get to know each other in a relatively short period of time.”
I chewed my lower lip as I read his message. I still wasn’t clear where exactly he was going with the conversation. It was undeniable there was something between us. I mean, our text session about kissing was more than proof. However, he was there and I was here so nothing was ever going to come of it…would it? How could we ever expect for our relationship to be more than what it already was? I decided to keep my response vague and see if he would elaborate more. “That has been an incredibly awesome part of what we have.”
I rolled over on my side as I waited for his response. It took so long I started to wonder if he’d gone back into the concert and wasn’t going to respond. With a sigh, I put my phone back onto the table by my bed and laid my head on the pillow. As soon as I pulled the blankets back up over me, the phone dinged. I quickly sat up and grabbed it from the table. “The downside is because we’re so far apart, I can’t do the basic stuff you do with someone you’re interested in. Like going to dinner. Like holding your hand. Like kissing you for real.”
My heart started thudding in my chest. “What are you saying, Mason?”
“I’m not exactly sure yet.” I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment at his response. I mean, he’d just laid out there the idea that he might be interested in me…and wanted to kiss me, but then it felt like he’d backed off. Another message came through. “Just, I’m really sorry about what happened earlier, Anna.” It was quickly followed by, “I have to go back inside. Intermission is over and the buddy I’m here with just messaged to tell me the band is back on stage.”
“Be safe and have fun.” I sent the message and was about to put my phone back on the bedside table when I decided I still had more to say. I quickly typed out a second message. “Also, Mason, thank you for being so honest and real with me. You’re not the only one that feels a connection.” I hit send before I could chicken out. It felt like he needed to know that he was not alone in feeling something.
“Good night, sweet Anna. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Good night, Mason.”
I put my phone down and leaned back into my pillow. What a night it had been.
I needed to go to sleep. I had way too many thoughts swirling around in my head to try to sort it all out at the moment. As I drifted off, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if Mason and I had met under different circumstances.
Chapter 10
What Was I Doing?
As usual, Mason’s response was almost immediate. “Rode a tauntaun?”
I scrunched my brow as I read his message. “What the hell is a tauntaun?”
“From Star Wars? Used to ride around in an icy climate. You have to know what that is.”
The laughter bubbled out of me as I walked out the door of the art building and towards the building where my English class met. “Holy shit! Mason! Are you a big Star Wars fan?”
I could see the little bubbles pop up in the corner indicating he was typing something. They disappeared, then came back up again. “I take it you’re not?”
I laughed again. “I’ve never seen any of them.”
“Mason, why would I have seen them?”
“Because they’re amazing and a huge part of pop culture!”
“Yeah, no.” I sent my response to Mason before walking through the doors to the building for my English class.
When I got to the second floor, I pulled my phone out and saw Mason had sent two messages. “I own them all so we can watch them!” followed by, “I’m sorry. I sent that without thinking. I guess it’s not exactly possible for us to do something like that together.”
I looked at the last message and actually felt a little twinge of sadness. It was great we were getting to know each other, but the closer we seemed to get, the more that kind of thing kept coming up—the physical distance between us. As I was trying to formulate my response, another message came through from Mason. “Let’s change the subject and get back to the original reason you messaged. What did you do today?”
“Turned in my portfolio for the Spring Art Show!” I wrote back enthusiastically, glad for the subject change. As soon as I’d turned my portfolio in, I wanted to contact Mason and let him know. He’d been very supportive and I knew he’d be excited to hear the portfolio was done.
“Yay! That’s fantastic! How do you feel about it?”
I took my backpack off and leaned against the wall outside my classroom. There were still a few minutes until the class before mine was over. “Relieved, but now the waiting begins. I should hear in a few weeks if I’m accepted or not.” For the moment, I was just going to bask in the good feeling of getting the portfolio done and submitted. I was certain I’d turn into a bundle of nerves when it got closer to the results being announced.
“I’m sure you’ll be accepted. Your work is amazing.” I couldn’t help but smile at Mason’s compliment and support. I looked up from my phone and saw the first few people start to exit the classroom; it was my cue to go in and get a seat before it filled back up.