“Thank you for the vote of confidence. It means a lot to me,” I wrote to Mason before I pushed myself off the wall and put my backpack on. “I need to go. I have class in a few minutes. I just wanted to tell you I got my portfolio turned in.”
I felt my phone vibrate in my hand as I started walking towards the door of the classroom. “Thank you for sharing with me. Have a good class, Anna.” I smiled at the last message from Mason as I turned my phone off and slid it into my coat pocket.
I quickly settled into a seat and was reviewing my notes from the previous class when someone loudly flopped down next to me. “Hello, beautiful. Come here often?” Oliver’s voice had a sickeningly sweet tone to it.
I rolled my eyes and silently prayed the professor would walk through the door at that very moment. Of course, I had no such luck. I turned to Oliver. “Why are you sitting there?” I hissed under my breath. “There’s an entire classroom full of empty seats.”
Oliver flashed me a cocky grin. “I don’t get to see you much anymore. Can’t two friends catch up?”
“We’re not friends and I don’t see you anymore on purpose. Now go sit somewhere else.” Oliver leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out. He was blatantly staring at me for what felt like forever. It made my skin crawl. “What do you want?” I finally snapped at him.
“I’m enjoying the view from this seat. I think I’ll stay right here.” Oliver licked his bottom lip with a smug look on his face. “Although, it might be hard to focus on class.”
If he wasn’t going to move, I would. I started to gather my books and coat to relocate to one of the empty seats on the other side of the classroom. The idea of sitting next to Oliver for any length of time made me want to puke. Unfortunately, it was at that very moment the professor waltzed into the classroom and told everyone to sit down for the start of class. I sighed and sat back down in my seat, not wanting to get called out by the professor in front of the entire class for trying to move while everyone else was seated.
I glanced over at Oliver and felt my stomach roll as the smug smile on his face seemed to grow. It was going to be a long class.
WHEN CLASS FINALLY ENDED, I tried to quickly pick my stuff up and get the hell out of there. I still wasn’t in the mood to deal with Oliver and his shit. Being trapped next to him for an hour was more than enough to last me the rest of my life. I could feel his eyes on me for most of the class and it made my skin crawl. I bolted out of the classroom only to hear Oliver’s unwelcome voice behind me as I started down the stairs. “Where are you rushing off to so quickly?”
“Away from you,” I said without looking at him or slowing my stride.
“Ahh, Anna. You don’t really mean that. Let me walk with you.” Oliver quickened his pace until he was right next to me.
“No!” I said firmly, still not bothering to look at him as I burst out the front doors of the building. I continued to ignore Oliver as I walked across campus although I could feel him just a few steps behind me. I stopped suddenly and turned around. “What do you want?”
Oliver looked quite proud of himself for getting me to stop and talk to him. “There’s a new production at the theater downtown. It is an independent piece by a new playwright. We should go.” Oliver gave a casual wave of his hand like the proposal was no big deal. What an arrogant asshole.
I put my hands on my hips as I glared at Oliver. “Together?”
“Yes. Together.” Oliver smirked.
“Like a date?” I asked.
“Yes, Anna darling.” Oliver wiggled his eyebrows and gave me a cocky grin. “We could start at the theater and end up at my place.”
I felt the bile rise in my throat at the mere thought of what he was proposing. “No,” was all I said before turning and walking away from Oliver. I couldn’t believe his nerve for asking me out. He knew I wasn’t a member of his fan club and it had been months since things ended between us.
“Anna! Wait!” Oliver continued to follow me.
Against my better judgment, I stopped. I spun around, my chest heaving with anger, as I pointed my finger at him. “Oliver, listen to me. I’m serious when I say ‘go away.’ I’m not going out with you. In fact, I don’t want anything to do with you.” My voice was firm and even. I didn’t want to give Oliver any type of reaction he could, and most likely would, misconstrue.
“Anna,” Oliver dramatically flung his arms to the side before putting his hands over his heart. “Your words hurt. We were so good together, love. I only want to take you out…like we used to.”
“We were not good together, Oliver. Our relationship was a toxic mess and the only reason you want me now is because you can’t have me.” The anger I was trying to keep at bay bubbled out in my voice.
Oliver took a few steps closer to me and lowered his voice. “So, what’s the deal with you and Liam?”
“None of your damn business!” I snapped.
Oliver raised an eyebrow at me. “Oh, really?”
“Wait? Is that what this is about? Do you have an issue with me and Liam?” Suddenly everything seemed to make a whole lot more sense—that’s what Oliver’s sudden resurgence in interest in me was. Even after all this time, he didn’t like the idea of me with Liam. Well, too fucking bad for him.
“Go with me to the theater, Anna darling.” Oliver avoided the question, which just reaffirmed I was right.
“No. Listen, Oliver, we’re done. Over. No more. Not going to ever happen again. Now leave me alone.” I spun around and walked away, leaving him standing alone in the middle of campus.
What an asshole. I didn’t know what I ever saw in him. One thing was for sure…there was no way I would ever fall into his web again.