Page 43 of Sloth

When I woke up next, I was naked and alone in bed. Memories of the night before came rushing back. I had learned my lesson. I would never again wander around outside after dark. I would use a bowl or bucket if I needed to pee, or I would swallow my pride and wear diapers. Fuck going outside.

I inwardly moaned. Why was this anachronistic world so dangerous? Never in my life could I have imagined being attacked by wild animals.

My body was sore. Muscles I didn’t know I had protested the rough treatment from the previous night. I didn’t want to get up. I wanted to hide in bed all day. Could I pretend to still be asleep?

I snuck a glance out of my nest of blankets.

“She’s awake.” Huck was too chipper. “Good morning! How are you feeling?”

I doubled down.

I squeezed my eyes shut, held my body rigid, and let out a fake snore. Garrett and Huck’s laughter rang out.

Heavy footsteps approached. The blankets were yanked roughly off my body. I held my breath, refusing to open my eyes.

“You can quit pretending now, Cedi,” Bo’s deep voice growled out. “There is no use in delaying the inevitable. We need to go to see the doctor today. So let’s get this lecture over with.”

“Doctor?” I mumbled before rolling over and giving him my back. “Why?”

I jolted up when a palm landed hard across my bottom.

“Owww!” I rolled the opposite way out of the bed and ran to the other side of the room, naked as the day I was born. I hid behind Huck and Garrett. “Please, Bo. I’m sorry.” I clutched onto both of their shirts and buried my head between them. “I didn’t know going to the bathroom would result in a near-death experience.”

“Aww, Bo. Cut her a break,” Huck said. “You’re scaring her.”

“Absolutely not. She knew better. She should have woken me or you up.”

I peeked around Huck. “But I have gone to the bathroom all my life without you all. How was I supposed to know this would happen?”

“Acedia,” Bo said quietly, putting a harsh emphasis on my name, “since the night we met, my brothers and I have literally taken shifts guarding this homestead to ensure your safety and prevent an android from taking you back to the city for processing. Do you think we’d want you to risk your life for even a moment by going outside in the dark unprotected?”

Fuck. When he put it that way…

My shoulders slumped. “No.”

“Exactly. Now get your ass over here, bend over this bed, and take your punishment for last night’s debacle.” He removed his belt. “Or I’ll compound your punishment for every moment you make me wait.”

“But I’m scared,” I whispered. “It’s gonna hurt.”

When Bo stalked toward me, the men quickly side-stepped away, getting out of the line of fire. With a terrified squeak, I ran to the far side of the dining table. When Bo pursued, I zipped around the heavy wood furniture, keeping it between us as I worked hard to stay as far away from the angry man as I could.

Huck and Garrett laughed at our cat and mouse game.

Bo finally stopped and slammed his hands down on the tabletop, his breath coming in sharp huffs. “We’re not doing this, Cedi. You promised.”

Hanging my head in shame, I twisted my fingers. “I know. I’m sorry.” I tried to make myself seem very small and timid, like the proverbial mouse I played in our chase. “I’ll try to be brave and come over to you.”

Bo nodded his head. “Good. And bring your hairbrush with you.”

My eyes widened. “What— the one you just gave me? Why? What are you going to do with it?”

I saw him look at the ceiling and send a prayer into the universe for patience. “What do you think I’m going to do with it, Acedia?”

Ever hopeful, considering he also had a belt in his hand, I tried to manifest the best scenario by speaking life into it. “You want to brush my hair?”

“Go get your brush!”
