Page 44 of Sloth

“Would you like me to add a freshly cut and stripped hickory switch to the lineup?”

I rushed over to a small table beside the cot to pick up my lovely new brush. Running a hand over the intricate carving, I prayed he wouldn’t damage its beauty. With a forlorn sigh, I warily approached and held the brush out to him. He snatched it out of my hand and placed it on the table next to his belt.

He pulled a wooden chair away from the table and sat down. “Over my knee,” Bo pointed to his splayed legs.

Though I knew what he wanted, I attempted to play dumb and sit on his lap instead, dragging my breasts down his face as I straddled his thighs.

“Not like that,” he growled, though his body betrayed his interest. “Lay across my legs, face down.”

Garrett took pity and came over to help me get in position.

Bo launched into his lecture. “First, you went outside without an escort. Second, instead of running toward us for help, you ran away from us—”

“I was being chased by a raccoon!” I complained from below.

“Third,” he continued as if I hadn’t spoken, “you pretended to be asleep, which is just another variation of lying, and you know I won’t tolerate lying. Fourth, you didn’t obey when I gave you directions. Fifth, you refused to honor your promise and take your punishment like a good girl.”

He ran his hands up and down my naked bottom and thighs. It felt good, so I sighed and relaxed into him.

“Is there anything you’d like to add, Acedia? Now is your time to confess. Better now than me finding out later.”

I must be an awful person. “Since you say that pretending to do something is a variation of lying, I need to confess that I pretended to shop yesterday, but I never intended on finding anything.

“Why would you do that? We told you to find things you needed.”

“I purposely disobeyed you all at the store because I didn’t want you all to buy me stuff. I brought nothing along with me to contribute to the household, not even talent or useful knowledge. I truly loved the gifts you all got me, but I would have been just as happy if you all bought me nothing. I don’t need material things to be happy, and I haven’t done any work to deserve it.”

Suddenly Bo lifted me up and sat me on his knee. “Cedi. You don’t have to deserve it. We love you. You’re our wife. Our love is not conditional.”

I had never heard anything so beautiful in my whole life. It was like poetry, and it came from Bo of all people. I couldn’t believe it. My heart bloomed so much I thought it might burst in my chest. My eyes watered, but I managed to blink back the sappy tears.

“I swear you men just want to make me cry, but it’s not happening.”

“Oh, I plan on making you cry here very soon.”

I scrunched my nose at his asshole remark. “I meant emotionally. All my life, I wanted for nothing when it came to luxuries and material things. I had it all. But the only thing of value I did want was always beyond my grasp. I wanted to be loved and cared for. I wanted to feel something real. You all have given me that. Everything else is not important.”

Bo sighed. “As much as I appreciate the sentiment, clothing is important, little girl, as were our instructions to pick some out. Anything else to confess?”

I shrugged. “I knew what you wanted me to do when you said over my knee. I played ignorant just to be a brat.”

“Hey!” Garrett said. “I came over to help you!”

I laughed. “You did!”

“Swat her extra for me,” he encouraged good-naturedly, speaking to his older brother.

“Back down you go, dear.” Bo returned me to my position where my head lingered close to the floor.

“If I tell you I love you, will you hurt me less?”

“Probably not, but I’ll consider it.”

“I love you all. Thanks for saving me over and over again. You all are awesome, and I appreciate you all.”

“Awww. She’s so sweet,” Huck cooed. “Don’t be mean to our little Cedi.”

“Goddammit, Huck.” Bo swore again under his breath. “Do you want her to accidently kill herself? I’m not going to permanently harm her. This is just a little corporal consequence to ensure a behavioral modification. We’re just motivating Acedia to be more careful in the future.”