Page 22 of Sloth

“So once it’s safe to be on my own again, I just work at the sex house above the bar until I find a job doing something else?”

“No,” the three men said simultaneously.

I smiled at their passion. When did my people lose this trait? Was it bred out of us by the aliens? “You understand I have nowhere to go. I have no family or land. And I don’t know how to do anything that Anachronists know how to do.”

“You can stay with us,” Bo said quietly.

I smirked. “Why would you want that? You all won’t even have sex with me. I don’t think you all like me enough to live together.”

“Here we go,” Garrett said as he got up and started clearing the table. “We’re back to this.”

Bo regarded me. “Sex shouldn’t be a tradeoff for a safe place to stay, Acedia.”

“I have sex with strangers all the time,” I assured, frowning at his logic. “I can’t believe the hangup you all have with sex. This isn’t the dark ages.”

“How important is this to you?” Bo asked.

“Important, especially since you all seem so freaked out about it. That bothers me. Sex shouldn’t be this big of a deal. It’s just pleasure—and maybe a little pain to intensify the pleasure. But you all are vehemently against it like cum is poisonous.”

Bo looked at his brothers before studying me. “You find pleasure in pain, do you?”

“In the context of sex, yes.”

“I’ll make you a deal. If you agree to let me and my brothers discipline you— without fuss— every time you brat us, disobey, or do something dangerous, we will agree to engage in intimacy with you,” Bo offered in negotiation. “Deal?”

I felt my eyes widen in shock. “Discipline? Without fuss? Why?”

“Well, the discipline will likely happen anyway,” Bo assured. “I’d just prefer not to fight you every time you don’t agree with it.”

“Twenty-four hours, Acedia,” Huck said, gently pounding his head against the kitchen table. “That is how long you have known us. Say no to this. You can stay here without agreeing to his terms.”

Bo looked at his younger sibling. “If she agrees to yield to our punishments without complaint, I will take her nonvirginity tonight if she wants.”

Huck got up from the table. “I think I’ll go walk the perimeter—”

“No,” Bo interrupted, seemingly detached. “Acedia is a strong, independent woman who can make her own decisions about who to have sex with. Right, Acedia?”

I was kind of confused by this assertion. Bo was saying all the right words, but there was something off. Rather than a fun event that I had indulged in numerous times, there was a slight sinister edge to his tone.

“Yes,” I quietly agreed.

“And she wants you and Garrett to participate in her non-deflowering.”

“Acedia,” Garrett called from the washbasin, “if you don’t see how my brother is setting you up right now, then you deserve his dick up your ass. Because that’s what he does to bratty girls who misbehave, and that is what is about to happen to you. There is more than one type of virginity.”

Again, there was that strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was both shocked and titillated by the threat. Would I like that? I did when I engaged in such things in virtual fantasies. However, them telling me over and over that virtual sex wasn’t the same as the real thing had me second guessing myself. Was I being naïve?

One part of me wanted to call this whole thing off. But another part of me wanted to see how far this would go. I had often enjoyed BDSM in the VR chamber, relishing in the mixture of pain and pleasure, but…

Looking Bo directly in the eyes, I asked quietly, “It’s going to hurt a lot, huh?”

“Sex? The first couple times, yes. Discipline? Always.”

“You think I’m being rash.”

“I think you are looking for a diversion, so you don’t have to face what happened to you and your family,” he offered. “That is not a reason to ruin your first-time experience. You deserve to be loved with care, especially for your first time.”

Fucking hell. I was going to fucking cry again. “I don’t need to be loved with care. I just want to feel okay again, even if it’s only for a little bit. Is that so wrong to want?” I covered my face to press the frustrated tears back into my eyes. “I need comfort. I need pain. I need pleasure.” My voice cracked, my throat growing too tight to continue. “I need something more than what I’m feeling now.”