Page 21 of Sloth


“Sphagnum moss.”

I blinked hard at him. “You want me to put moss in my vagina?”

“No. Just wiggle,” Bo advised. “The moss can be used if wiggling is not enough.”

He was serious.

The two younger brothers were crouched on the ground, laughing so hard they were weak with it.

“I can’t breathe,” Huck exclaimed.

“Hey! Acedia—more than two shakes is playing with it,” Garrett added.

The two younger brothers leaned on each other, tears of hilarity streaming down their faces.

I looked Bo in the eyes, put the lantern down, lifted my shirt—sat and peed—then stood and shimmied. I then added a scoop from the pail. “So I wash my hands inside?”

Bo smiled and nodded.

I handed him the lantern as I stepped out. “I’ll be expecting sex later.” Then with my chin held high, I walked back toward the house.

“I haven’t laughed this hard in years,” Garrett was saying as he bypassed me to open the door.

Inside, I went to the heated water basin and used the weird soap to wash my hands.

Huck pulled out my chair so I could sit for dinner.

I was amazed by how good the stew was. It had onions, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, herbs, and protein I couldn’t identify.

“What is this?” I asked. I put the meat in my mouth and chewed.

“Rabbit,” Huck replied.

Bunny Killer.

Fuck it. I was actually hungry.

“Where do you get all these vegetables?”

“We have a vegetable garden,” Huck replied. “And animals for milk.”

“How do you know how to do all this stuff? How did you learn without a universal computer to teach you?”

The men grinned and looked at each other. Finally, Bo answered. “We learned from our parents and grandparents, and from schoolteachers and books.”


“Yes. Very few live in the village, but it is a place to learn and trade and sell wares.”

I remembered what Huck had said about the aliens. “So everyone…commutes to work in the village, then drives to their homestead at the end of the day?”

“We have no cars, but yes.”

“And if you have no family or homestead, then what? Do you stay in the village?”

“I guess a person like that could stay at the brothel above the saloon.” Huck shrugged. “At least until they found a place to work as a farmhand.”