Page 93 of Wasted Oil

David: It’s going to be an all day event starting at 9 am in the stadium parking lot, tailgate style.

Melanie: More like a market consisting of small businesses from all over the US and local aswell. We wanted to invite all those out there who have built their dream from the ground up and yes some we have come across that have used grief and sorrow for the drive to make their dream become reality.

Annie: Can’t forget the food trucks that will be present, also.

Shawn: Bubba's BBQ and Firefly Kitchen in the same place, I might die of food coma guys. There’s an ambulance on standby right?

Death by BBQ and endless amounts of pie sound like a great way to go, my friend. Ok confession, I already knew all of this but hearing it again just gives me the goosies. Now for the big news, who is performing with you guys?

Melanie: We will have Will Ashton and his Blue Horizons Band performing along with several members of the band having their own moments. We have the girls Avery, Cora and Emma giving major women empowerment vibes and then the boys Will and Clay and closing with us all doing something special.

Annie: We also have something very meaningful happening outside in the rally market so be sure to pay a visit to the booth directly in the center of the parking lot.

David: Doors open at 6pm to the stadium and the concert starts at 7, make sure to bring your lawn chairs or a blanket.

Shawn: Be there or be square.

Melanie: Tickets for the concert are on sale online or at the box-office at the stadium and all proceeds go to National Association of Mental Illness and the market itself in the parking lot is walk up free but don’t forget your wallet cause you’re in for an amazing set up.

You heard it here my loves, Nissan Stadium is the place to be on the last Saturday of May. We can not wait to vibe and thrive with you all.

Until then Follow, like, subscribe love us cause we love you.

*Everyone says goodbyes*

Chapter twenty-seven

“How much more free can we be?”


The nerves are nerving and anxiety has settled firmly into place the moment sound check was over and walking through my condo door.

I’m opening tomorrow.


Melanie Alvarez. lead singer of the Druthers.

The newest members to The Three Little Birds label. No pressure, right?

Closing my eyes I inhale deeply. I try to focus on what I can control and let go of what I cannot. I can and will put on the greatest show I ever have. I cannot and will not crumble to the challenge.

The front door swings open again as my brother and best friend waltz through with both their luggage in tow. They landed this morning from Texas and went straight to the stadium to help with last minute set-up items. Also for Alex to do her sound checks since she will be the MC for tomorrow's show.

Sailor has stayed with me all week getting the Rally put together and making sure everything is in order from the vendors of small businesses we reached out to all over the US and local. Gathering my inner thoughts I make my way to the kitchen for some water. While the rest of the gang follows.

"I still think you should have taken an edible with me X. Your foot would not stop bouncing and the amount of bags of pretzels you went through was inhuman.” Alex rambles on to my brother who, I too agree, has been extra tense.

"Omg. Sis ,you didn’t bring any with you did you?” Sailor asks Alex.

"Yeah, and wind up in airport jail, I don’t think so.” Alex quips.

I hide my humor with my water. Nothing but soup and tea this evening for me. Resting my vocals is all apart of my daily routine now since it’s my main accessory for the job.

While the three bicker between who gets what sleeping area I reach in my pantry for my tea kettle filling it with water to the fill line and turning the knob on my electric stove.

"I’ve been here all week so I’ve already claimed the spare room.” Sailor objects.