"So how is everything going with nursing school?” I ask.
You never would suspect he wanted to be a nurse. His mother is one, so I assume that was the path he always wanted to take.
"It’s alright, butmy mom says the college here doesn’t have all that it can offer for me to advancing in my career.”
This is new. I didn't realize he was struggling.
"So, what, does that mean? You gonna stick it out here or?” I leave the question open rather than suggesting transferring or moving.
For a moment he doesn’t answer, he just looks out the side tapping his fingers on the open window.
I look to see if he heard me before I ask again.
"I think I’m going to move to Albuquerque and live with my mom and go to college there. The nursing program. There is top notch.” Johnny admits.
His mom moved with her new husband to New Mexico when she got offered a job at the hospital there. Johnny stayed back with his aunt and uncle partially for Alex but also because he got a scholarship here as well.
"So is Alex gonna close here and open a new store in Albuquerque?” I ask.
Dang it’s like everyone is leaving.
His tapping continues.
"She doesn’t know does she?"
Now his foot starts moving up and down and his silence answers my question.
"We’ve talked about it or argued really—” he pauses before continuing “— she’s been busy throwing herself into work at the shop, her podcast and her family like she’s trying to avoid the topic of me leaving.”
I nod like I’m processing.
"And before you ask, yes, I’ve asked her to come with me. But something is holding her back. I mean, I get what she’s leaving and I’ve told her I’d help her with starting over, but like I said, the topic gets dropped.”
I want to tell him to follow what he believes is best for his life but I also feel for Alex. The only difference in this scenario is she’s being asked to go with and not left behind.
We have finally arrived at Dan’s place, the farmer we bought the hive from, just when the sun has gone down making it perfect timing to start loading up. It’s best to move a beehive in the dark because all the foraging has finished for the day to where all bee’s are done and we can close the entrances off with a wire screen, holding them captive with ventilation for the trip back home.
When we get home we will place them in their new spot near the two oak trees about 25 feet from the barn. We decided to make a new area rather than place it in the old spot. So now both of mom’s biggest loves are in the same area.
Dad would be proud to see how much we have overcome. I know we can come out on the good end of anything as long as we don’t give up. I have to believe in that. It’s the only thing left that's never let me down.
I finally convinced Ma to let me put up a trail cam, at least for this area watching over the hive and dad’s resting place. I didn’t talk more with Johnny on his news. Seems like a touchy subject and if he lets go of what I don’t want to talk about it’s only fair I give him the same respect too. I hope he and Alex work something out. I’d hate to see our group completely obliterated.
Once we got everything situated Johnny heads out and I stay cleaning up but also taking a moment to appreciate the sight before me. I can’t wait to surprise Ma and my sisters tomorrow since the bee’s need to stay confined for 24 hrs to get reorientated since they are outside their normal parameters. For the first time in a while a smile forms. I genuinely feel proud, a sense of peace and calmness settling within.
Back at the house I see a truck that I’m not familiar with and it’s too shiny to be here. I put mine in park and see the cab is empty so I make way to the door but stop just before the stairs when I see Xavier Alvarez step into the porch light. He has similar features of his fathers, but I see his mother’s eyes in his and hers. No. I shrug that hurt aside.
“X, hey, is everything ok, you looking for Rox?” My mind goes wild.
Xavier has only ever been here to drop off or pick up Roxy but I can count on one hand how many times that was. Part of me fears for the alternative if something were to happen to his sister. But he doesn’t look distraught, more calm but dark circles shadowing his eyes like he hasn’t slept in days. I can too add that my sleep has been shit too. I can only imagine what’s been left in his hands after his father’s passing. Melanie gives two shits about the company but Xavier was always working with Andres, so I’m assuming by his attire of Armani shoes, gray slacks and white button up that he is the new owner of Alvarez Oil.
"Hey Rhett, I’m sorry it’s so late in the night I was heading home from work and well—I was asked to deliver this to you.” He hands me a yellow manila folder that's sealed with To The Parker Family on the front. With caution I reach for it. A sense of uneasiness filters in through my fingertips. Overseeing what was given to me and the curiosity of the contents inside, I flip it over and blink as if what I'm seeing is all in my head. But the more I blink the sight before me stays the same.
There on the back is a smaller white envelope with Rhett written on it. Its from her. I would know that handwriting anywhere.
I look up at X with words wanting to come out but nothing does. He steps down passing me and I call his name out over my shoulder making him stop just as he gets to his door.