I can't remember the last time I had showered or ate an actual meal.
“You know me, I tell it like it is. Seriously though, how are you doing, boo?”
I feel the lump in my throat, the one that comes when you try to fight back tears.
“Why does it hurt so much? Why can’t I just go back and be the old me where I didn’t let it bother me?”
“Because you love him, silly. I know you always have but this was different. You crossed a line the night you came back and that changed everything.”
“ I know, but he didn’t love me. This was all a game. I should be the woman scorned in all those lifetime movies. And for the life of me, I can't.”
“Mel, I say this with love . You’re a stupida! How can you not see?”
“Alex there's nothing to see! This was all a game and I'm the stupida that fell for it!” We both take a beat. Before talking again.
“Have you seen him?”
She shakes her head no.
“I haven’t seen or heard from him. Not since you left and he came looking for you.” My heart twist the knife driving in deeper and deeper.
“Mel, I love you and you know I will always be your number one supporter, but I think it’s time for you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and go on with your life. I know you are hurting right now and you have every right to hurt, just don’t let it consume you. Go out with the band, take your mind off everything happening at the moment.”
I take in her words letting them sink in. She’s right, I can't stay here all the time. The more I stay the more I have time to think about what happened.
"I guess you're right. The band just invited me to Laylas for a barbecue. I can start there.”
"See, there’s the Melanie Alvarez I know and love! Now go have fun, get some drinks and most of all eat! I mean it Mel you look like a ghost and a skeleton wrapped into one and I can smell you through the phone.” We say our goodbyes, Alex getting busy at work and me needing to shower finally. Without hesitation, I pull up the group chat.
Me: I'm in! David, will you come pick me up when you're done running your errands?”
Several celebration emojis are sent.
Big D: I’ll be there in twenty.
Polly Anna: Yay! Bring something to swim in. Its a pool party *Winky eye emoji*
I should get ready.
Hauling my ass off the couch I sniff my shirt. Yeah, she was right. Fuck I hate when she's right. I need a shower asap. Stretching, I haven’t realized how much my muscles ached. Crying sure does take a lot out of you.
When we arrive, the party is in full swing, people all over from the front to the back, some that look dressed to the nines the rest looking like they just got out of the pool.
“Mel! You made it! I'm so glad, I was getting worried that you were never going to come out of the house.”
“Hey Annie, yeah it sure felt like that. Thankfully I'm feeling better today, but it's going to take some time.”
They don’t know all of it and David only knows that my depression has to do with Rhett.
“Yeah, like I said in the text we missed our little Melody.” Shawn says, while throwing his arm around me taking me into his side and away from Davids.
Melody? Does this man even know my name?
“Shawn why the fuck do you keep calling her Melody?” He looks at Annie like she grew two heads,
“Um because that's her name duh?”
We all bust out laughing. Shawn’s looking at us like we’re high.