Page 61 of Wasted Oil

Alex is upfront and center with waters for the band.

“Mel, you guys are absolutely amazing!” Her hand is on her heart as she looks to each one of us, looking at me last.

"Where is Kathryn, I need to know where she conjured up Willam Stokes.” I'm dragged to the photo op area where Kathryn is currently at.

"Melanie you and your band are so talented, I'm so so sooo excited you agreed to be here and perform." Kathryn gushes.

I reply with a "thank you" and ask as much as I can about the book mainly about Stokes and where she came up with the idea revolving around The Kentucky Derby which led us into a full conversation and possibly planning a girls trip to the next derby.

Not wanting to take up much of Kathryns time, I make my rounds to everyone, them complimenting me on my voice and the band, others asking how life in Tennessee has been. All questions being answered with the same answer, “Good, you know the music industry is busy as usual.” Or “ Thank you so much, I’m just the face, but the real talent are those guys.”All those people and still no Rhett.

“Hey Al, I'm going to go say hello to Ms. Grace and Sarah, I'll be back.”

Walking over to where they’re standing I feel slightly lightheaded and anxious as hell. Ms. Grace looks good and Sarah is smiling from ear to ear. I haven't seen or talked to either of them since my panic attack in their garage.

"Ms. Grace!”

"Sunshine! You did amazing up there!” We embrace in a hug, the smell of floral perfume and softener wafts through my nose.

"Thank you, Ms. Grace. I couldn’t have done it without those guys up there with me.”

She waves a hand of dismissal.

"Oh hush, you know with or without them you have a beautiful voice.”

"You really were amazing Mel?” This time Sarah spoke.

"Thank you Sarah, I'm glad you both made it.” I bring her in for a hug as well ,the same smell that her mother wears minus the hint of mint gum.

Conversation is flowing talking about the days were Rhett and I were attached at the hip all of us laughing and enjoying the party.

“Mel, would you like to go get a drink with me?” Ms. Grace asks just above a whisper for only us to hear.

“Yes ma’am.” She loops her arm around mine pulling me in the direction.

"You know sunshine. I know my son hasn’t always been the smartest man when it comes to you. What I do know, is that this fight that y'all are in, it will be one of many fights, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t hear him out and see what he has to say. I can see in his eyes that he wants to talk to you. Sometimes, us women have to take charge and pull them aside in order for them to start talking .”

A smile touches my lips. Ms. Grace could always see the love between us even when we were kids back in elementary.

"Thank you Ms. Grace, now may I buy your drink?” She looks at me shaking her head giving a laugh.

"Please hun, you should know your best friend by now she told us our money is no good here, either.” Typical, Alex is always the sassy one.

As we reach the bar two drinks are already waiting for us, courtesy of Rhett who is helping RJ behind the bar.

"Thank you son, keep them coming.” He shakes his head at his mom going back to help the other people wanting drinks.

“You better put that wallet away before my sister sees you, Mel.” RJ walks over to us greeting Ms. Grace.

“Please, I don’t want to face the wrath of Alexandra. But this bookshop doesn’t run off of dreams ya know.” I say, taking a five dollar bill out of my wallet and putting it in the tip jar winking at both RJ and Ms. Grace.

We walk back to where Sarah is now accompanied by Alex and Alex’s mom Lynn.

"Mel? Did I see you pay for a drink?” Alex says just as we walk up to them.

“Nope.” I pop my P while the others giggle at us.

“Melanie, I'm sorry to have missed the first half of your performance. Are you going back up anytime soon?” I look at my watch.