“Yup.” I say emphasizing the P with a pop.
“Wanna talk about it?” He brings me in even more. I shake my head, shimming out of his embrace, giving me much needed space.
“Nope.” I say on the same pop.
“I'm here for you, just know that.” A warm smile touches my lips.
David is more than just someone I have sex with or a bandmate. When we found each other it was like finding a male version of Alex, he became my go-to for everything but after one night of some very strong whiskey sours, I spilled my guts on the whole family/Rhett situation crying like a baby. Not once did he judge or pity me, instead he held me while I cried. Later on that night he asked me if he could see my scars and I showed him each and every single one. The only other person I had ever shown them to before the evening at the lake with Rhett, was Alex, but I knew that with David I could trust him.
After three exhausting and treacherous hours, the shop looks great! Everything is exactly how Al wants it. The tables, the centerpieces down to the photo op wall that she all but chewed off RJ and Rhetts head because they, and I quote the queen herself, 'Didn’t have the vision' even though she was right there telling them both what to do. Still three hours later Rhett has said all but three words to me which were 'pass me that'. I can't help but wonder if this is how it's going to go tomorrow afternoon when everyone is around.
The party is in full swing, people laughing, smiling, and conversing with Kathryn congratulating her book, while others are talking with Alex complimenting her on the store. Praising her on how successful everything turned out, while I’m over at the bar not wanting to converse with anyone.
"What can I get you, Mel?” I turn to see RJ behind the bar.
“Hey RJ, working behind the bar today?”
“Yeah, you know Alex, she says jump you don’t ask how high, you just jump.” I giggle knowing he isn’t lying or being dramatic .
“Oh boy, do I know it. I’ll take a lavender lemonade please.”
“Comin right up.” I watch as he takes his time making sure to add just the right amount of lavender as to not overpower the drink.
“Here you go.” I go to grab my money when a hand snatches mine.
"Now, I know damn well you are not about to pay for a drink, Mav.” Peeking over my shoulder, Alex is standing with her eyebrow raised practically into her hairline, arms crossed over one another, in a very stern motherly stance.
"Goose, I have to, I can't be taking free drinks all night.”
"Melanie Renee Alvarez, I swear that if you even think about paying for that drink, or any drink this evening. I will give you the silent treatment for at least ten minutes.” Rolling my eyes I put the money back into my wallet and obey knowing that trying to argue with her is pointless. She always wins.
She smiles at my obedience and orders her drink.
"Still hasn’t talked to you yet huh?”
"What do you mean?”
“Come on Mel, you know what I mean. What are you both waiting for? I see that it's killing you not to talk to him.”
“Not now, I want this party to go off without my drama. This is your day. A day I want as a core memory for you, besides I’m about to go on.”
With a defeated sigh she surrenders,
"Okay, you win! Just this once though! Now, go showcase that talented voice.”
Elated that I won, I hop off the stool my boots hitting the hardwood floor drawing several eyes over to us.
"Finally, I won!” I give her a kiss on the cheek racing off towards the stage, Alex calling out, “don’t get used to it babes!”
David has his arm outreached with my guitar. I take my position on the makeshift stage with the band filling in behind me. I do a quick scan of the crowd. Everyone I know is here to support the event, even the Parkers. That's when my eyes land on Rhett already staring at me. I shift under his glare suddenly feeling hot and prickly. Shake it off Mel, you got this.
I take a deep breath focusing on my exhale .
“Hey y'all I’m Melanie Alvarez and we are The Druthers. We’re going to be playing some light music for y'all we hope you enjoy. If you do at any point have a request just let me know. To start us off tonight I would like to dedicate this song to my very bestest friend in the world and the coordinator of this shindig. Alexandra, this ones for you.” I strum out the chords to a softer version of, 'If you go down(I'm going down too)'by Kelsea Ballerini.
Song after song goes by, requests anywhere from Taylor Swift to Johnny Cash have played throughout The Den, some people dancing others sitting and watching as we perform.
“Alright everyone, I hope y'all are having a great time, we are going to take a short break. Remember to keep those requests coming we love singing for you beautiful people.”