Watching these two is like my own personal reality show version of the Kardashians.
Alex walks over to her sister.
“Of course I’m paying you—,” she embraces her with a hug then pulls back stroking Sailor's beautiful blonde locks.
“ —with my love and tequila, duh.” They both laugh because they never joke when it comes to tequila.
I just want to clarify that my best friend is not an alcoholic; she just really loves tequila in any way shape or form just as long as salt and limes are involved.
I look away from them and scan the room landing on golden tanned inked muscles in a cut off at the cafe bar that has been transformed into a mini bar. My Vaquero has been nothing but exasperatedly closed off. He hasn't looked at me once in the last three hours we have been here and every time I catch a glimpse at him his jaw is tensed up and his chest rises and falls slowly of deep breathing.
Yesterday morning was perfect. That evening I had planned to see him again and wake up to another.
Where did it all go wrong?
I can tell he senses me staring.
I feel it too when I’m not looking.
I miss him, even when he is in the same vicinity as me. I miss that smile of his where his deep dimples beam on each cheek and he gets this spark in his eyes like a sparkler on the Fourth of July where you can see absolute joy. I miss being wrapped inthe scent of sweet bourbon and white cedar while his warm lips embrace me in the most zealous kiss I’ve been craving since the first time I tasted it.
Flashes of Janelle on top of Rhett shift my blue gaze to sneering anger.
Alex is back next to me and shifts to step in front of me. I know she can tell something is up by me being quiet all morning and I’ve put myself in a stance I use as a safeguard posture. My left arm that was down at my side has lifted to rest on my right shoulder, and my breathing has started to speed up with my anxiety rising. Clenching my jaw I close my eyes as I take a deep breath, as I exhale I open my eyes to Alex’s worried eyes, moving back and forth between mine.
"Talk to me Mav."
I grin at her, "That’s my line.” Looking at the ground, I see her reaching for my hand clasping her other so mine is wedged between hers.
“Seriously Mel, I’ve seen you probably at your worst but this —"she waves her hand over me," —this is something entirely new and I don’t like it.”
I place my free hand over hers that are already clasped on mine and look at her in her beautiful bronze eyes.
“Today is not about me Al, stop worrying, I will be fine. Now let’s get this party ready.” She glowers at me seeing right through me but she doesn’t press for more.
"Mmmkay, I don’t buy that, but I will give you your space on it cause you’re right, we need to get this place put together. Now with that being said, I need you to get the stage area over by the window all put up cause I want you guys to be the first thing everyone sees when they walk in. Please, make sure when your band gets here to bring everything in from the side door, not the front, I don’t want the possibility of something happening to the main entrance. Ya feel me?”
I release one hand and place it to my forehead in salute.
"aye aye captain.” With a giggle, we wink at one another as she turns towards the bar area to talk to Rhett, Roxy and her brother RJ. I head out front when I see my band pull up in their van next to my truck, a smile breaks out across my face.
I've missed them so much.
“David! Guys!” I run up throwing myself into David as he picks me up spinning me around hugging the near life out of me.
“Sugar! We missed you." He says as he puts me back down to the ground, the rest of the band taking their turns hugging me telling me how much they have missed me. I'm pulled back by David once again pulling me in for another hug this time whispering in my ear.
“They all might have missed you, but I missed you more.”
With no idea how to take this PDA I freeze in his arm going full rigor mortis. I know he’s watching me. I can feel his eyes on me as they burn holes into my back.
"I know. That's him right?” I can't speak so I settle for a nod of the head, I haven’t told Rhett about David, I was planning to but every time I wanted to tell him my anxiety would kick in and I would start sweating. So instead I never told hi m which now doesn’t seem like a bad thing seeing as though he found comfort in the one person I loathe.
The bell above the door rings and Al’s loud voice comes through.
“Seriously guys! Do none of you listen?” She steps outside, her back towards us yelling at both RJ and Rhett.
"You would think that they were raised by monkeys.” She turns, stopping in her tracks, mouth open and eyes bugging out of her face.