I smirk knowing what has got her like this. She's not budging and it looks like her breathing has halted .
“Alex, you good?” I wave a hand in front of her face.
"Is she okay sugar?” Alex whimpers at the name, oh she’s okay alright.
“Yeah, David, she’s good.”
“Is this the infamous Alex that you always talk about?” I nod my head crossing my arms over my abdomen, David stepping out from behind me walking up to her.
“Nice to meet ya darlin, I'm David Mels friend and lead guitarist.” He lifts his cowboy hat off in a hello gesture, which definitely can make any girl instantly wet.
She puts her hand on her heart taking a deep breath letting it go slowly.
"Well butter my biscuit! Mel, you're telling me this is the David that you. . ?” She stops mid sentence biting her bottom lip not so discreetly.
I know where she is going with that.
"Yes, This is, the David that I told you about. And this is the rest of the band!” I gesture behind me.
“O-M-G! Mel's told me so much about y'all! I'm Alex ,Best friend since forever and this is my bookshop! Thank you so much for doing this. I truly appreciate it!”
The band rambled with "no problems" and "nice to meet you's."
“Well darlin, we would do anything for our Melanie. She's our sole reason for being together.” Al makes another whimpering sound and I see that little eye twitch of hers. I think she likes the nickname David has so graciously bestowed upon her.
Damn him and his southern manners.
She’s told me she’s developed this eye twitch when reading her books and comes across a nickname that ‘swoons’ her.
"I don’t think we really had much of a choice anyway.” I say reaching out to grab her by the shoulders walking her towards the door.
"Here, let me get that for ya.” My hand gestures to her chin, swiping away invisible drool. I turn my head yelling out,
“David, around the corner in the little alley is a side door that you can start to bring the stuff in—"
"and up that staircase leads right up to my place. Please ,don't be shy." I cut my best friend off slapping my hand over her mouth before she can get another word out.
"I'm going to get her back to normal, and then I’ll meet you out there, okay?”
“You got it sugar. It was nice meeting you darlin.” He tips his hat, Alex all but faints in my arms as we walk back into the store.
“They do exist.” She says breathy with stars in her eyes.
To say that it’s awkward is an understatement.
In the same vicinity, I have the man that I love and have always loved, then the man that I sleep with on occasion and have been with for the past five years. This has become my dream and nightmare all at once. Rhett nonstop looked between David and I and then back at me like his eyes were a gun and I was the target. Why should I care that he sees me with David? I mean, he made it pretty obvious last night that he doesn’t care.
But you love him and your heart truly belongs with him. Also you feel guilty because it feels like you’re cheating.Damn it! My heart has and will always belong to Rhett, but at the same time I can give him a little taste of his own medicine? No pendeja! You don’t fight fire with fire! Once again, my damn inner voice is right but at this time I truly don’t care, he was an ass. There's no way that I will let that slide! Okay, gir,l don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I shouldn’t be jealous, he’s not even mine.
"Hey sugar, whatcha thinkin about?” I turn to look up at David, his bright blue eyes peering down at me filled with concern.
"Well, I was thinking about doing something real stupid, but I think my inner voice has a point and I shouldn’t do it.” Wow, a point I'm actually listening to.
He smiles his dazzling smile as he flings his arm around my shoulder like he has always done.
“Does it have something to do with the giant over there that looks ready to kill me?” Like always he sees right through me.