windows down
I hit stop, running my hands through my hair not really liking it. Ever since I came back I couldn’t think of how to finish my song. I've been working on the song for over five months already but the chorus and ending are just not coming to me. Song writers block is no joke, perhaps I could ask Alex to help me. Reaching for my phone about to record a line that I was playing with earlier when I get a phone call from Alex.
"Talk to me, Goose.” I say answering the phone.
"Mav, you would never guess who Ijust got off the phone with and what they asked me for!” She’s yelling on the other end. I take my ear from the phone just in case she decides to scream more and bust my eardrum. I love her but I swear if she screams anymore I'm going to reach through this phone and strangle her.
"Alex, please stop screaming, or I swear on Hades that I will reach through this phone and strangle you.”
"Don’t threaten me with a good time.” I let out a hard laugh as she caught me off guard with her comeback.
"So, what's the good news? And does it have to deal with Neil? And or, are you dumping Johnny?”
On the other end of the phone I can hear her take a deep breath letting out a sigh, it happens every time Neil’s name is brought up. It's like she’s reliving their last time together, which I have no clue to as when the last time they saw each other was exactly. I really need to corner her to get to the bottom of it. I feel like a terrible friend because I’ve been too busy with my shit that my real person is internally struggling and I’ve done nothing to help.
"No. Sadly nothing. It’s been a while since I heard from him, but I really can’t do anything about it when I’m living a completely different life than him. Anyways, do you remember that author I became really good friends with? Kathryn Andrews?”
I nod back at her.
"Um Mel, are you there still?”
I realize that she can't see me.
"Oh, shit, sorry Al. I was nodding my head like an idiot thinking that you can see me. Anyways, yes. I remember Kathryn, was it her who called?”
"Yes! She called and told me that she finally has a publishing date for her new book coming out and that she wants to hold a release party at the shop!” Alex was always into books when we were younger but as we got older the books became spicier and after that our addiction just took off. Of course, I read right along with her, experiencing every heartbreak and every hot knee buckling spicy scene. Our text threads are quite comical.
"That's great, Goose! I'm proud of you! When’s the big day?” I ask.
"It gets better, when I was talking to her about all idea’s for the party I about died, because of how much of a genius I am, and told her I’d convince you and your band to play and she said she saw a YouTube clip of you awhile back doing the cover to Your side of the Bed By Little Big Town. Sooo babes strike up the band, get your ass down to the shop. We have loads to do and the party is happening in two weeks!”
She doesn’t let me respond she hangs up leaving me completely flabbergasted. Well, shit. I guess I should call the gang.
The rest of the day went by quickly. When my phone call with Alex ended I tried to do some more song writing but my notebook had more cross outs than actual words. After about two hours of failing, I got dressed and headed downstairs. I grabbed some wine from her wine rack for us to celebrate.
"I'm here, bitch! Come greet me!” I yell walking into the empty shop. Alex pops up from behind the cafe counter with her finger over her mouth shushing me.
"Seriously Mav, I have a book club going on in the back.” I shrug my shoulders, moving over to her.
"Well, I guess I’ll just take my happy self and the wine back upstairs then, Ciao.” I go, turning towards the door right when I was about to push it open Alex tackles me football style to the floor.
"If you try to leave with that wine I will strap you to that couch.” She points behind her.
A smirk appears on my face, "Promise?” My eyebrows wiggling.
"In your dreams.” Laughing, we both gather ourselves and head in the direction of the comfy sitting area.
"So, What's the plan? What is the book about? What is your vision?” I pour into two mugs for us, ready for a long night of drinking and planning.
"Well, I'm glad you asked! I’ve actually started reading it already and I love it! I also asked her to send you an ARC so check your email bitch and get ready to swoon, because this man has Henry Cavill written all over him.” Alex dramatically fans herself while stuffing her face with a cookie.
While mid chew Alex mumbles.
"I’m so happy I had Rhett make that photo booth backdrop for me. It’s like a manifestation moment at its finest.” She brings her hand to her lips and does a chef's kiss.
After going over decoration ideas and making amazon orders, Alex gets up ushering her book club out of the store, locking the door behind them leaving us to gossip.
"Can you fucking believe it?” We are bouncing in our seats after finding out they are in the works of making a Top Gun 2.