How do I put this? Do I just come out and say it? Should I ease into it? I mean on the phone she was crying. She seemed distraught.
"Why am I here?"
There's a slight pause to her movements. But she doesn't answer me.
"Why the hell am I here mother? You call me crying, begging me to come back home. Yet you go around acting as if everything is fine and dandy." My chest rises and falls with each silent moment passing, becoming more and more irritated by the second.
I soften the tone in my voice as I step to her, hugging from behind resting my cheek to her warm back.
"I'm sorry, I'm just worried is all."
Her hands pat mine forgiving me for taking my annoyance out on her.
"Bueno, I think now is a good time." She says in a whisper just as the front door opens and slams shut. He's here.
"What's going on?" His voice is stern.
"Nothing my dear. Mel was just leaving." She pushes me away giving me an escape route.
I glare at my mother for brushing our conversation under the rug as if it's nothing when clearly it's something. Annoyed by this anti climatic moment I was trying to have with her I decide to just go with her basically pushing me out the door.
"Yeah. I have to go." I say slipping past him.
Looking at the time I only have thirty minutes to get to Alex’s apartment I hurry and jump in the shower not wasting time on relaxing. Don’t be late, that girl is insane. Sometimes I swear she sets me up for failure.
Nobody can convince me she doesn’t, she is fully aware of my lack of time perception. Walking down the stairs I stop on the last step cursing out loud. Shit I fucking left my truck at the mechanic shop. I hear rustling in the kitchen and pray it’s not my father. I round the corner finding my brother instead. He turns with his coffee mug in hand.
"Well good morning to you too sis. You good?”
I lean over the counter,
"What are you doing right now hermanito?” I ask nicely.
While taking a sip of coffee, his eyebrow lifts then places his mug down and leans in to meet my eye level.
"What do you need, hermana?” I give a cheesy smile.
"Can you possibly give me a ride into town, please? My truck had a nail and I left it at the shop.” I pause.
"I’m running late to meet Alex.” I plead to my brother he leans back reaching for his coffee, downing the rest of it and rinsing it off.
“I have to go talk to Roxy anyway.” He responds. I don’t care to ask what about or look more into it because my phone is going off.
“Hey, I'm headed out the door right now. I'll see you in ten!” I hang up before she speaks, putting on shoes running out the door.
The drive to The Den from my house wasn’t that far but still far enough to let the things on my mind take me for a ride.
The feelings of being in Rhett's bed rushed through me like a bucket of ice-cold water. I've always dreamt what it would be like to wake up in his bed but fantasized leading up to it. I know it’s cliche to say I've been having the best sex I’ve ever had but I really am. Don’t get me wrong, when David and I have sex it's good and all but it's all pent up sexual frustration with us, no real passion. Once we are done and got our fix we go our separate ways, either him out to the bar with Shawn or I go to the studio and write. With Rhett it's different every inch and every moment is nothing but passion. It runs through my veins like a good dose of ecstasy. I've dabbled once or twice. A time I'm not proud to talk about.
The way Rhett would run his hands down my body or fixate on a certain part, or the fact that every time I would moan his name he would go faster, harder, deeper.
It's just fun, remember muñeca? In three months you’ll be gone again.
I try not to fixate myself on the time frame, it will come where I have to leave again. I just don’t think this time I will be able to walk away without breaking my heart completely.
Pulling up to The Den, I already see Al waiting for me impatiently. X quickly pulls into the parking space shutting off the truck.
"Alex, Roxy inside?”