"You did this! We are the laughing stock of this town now! Melanie! Don't make me come find you!”
Tears falling down my face.
The closet door opens in front of me.
“There you are muñeca.”
When I come to from my memory Ms. Grace is crouching down next to me. During Rhett yelling and flashes of the memories I had barreled down into a ball and started crying.
"Sunshine, are you okay?”
I look at all the faces of concern minus Rhett I can't see him but i can feel his frustration.
"I have to go.”
Pushing myself up, I hurry out to my truck. The flood gate of tears fully open. I have to get out of here.
I sprinted as fast as I could out the door and to my truck. Ripping the door open, I jump in slamming it shut. Behind me I hear yelling from Ms. Grace and Sarah, telling me to stop or hold on. But I don't listen. Instead I turn over the ignition and tear out of there, leaving them and Rhett in the dust.
Chapter twelve
“Let me in Boots… Please.”
Three days.
It’s been three very long days.
I shouldn’t be this hung up on the distance, but that’s not what’s bothering me. God, I’ve never seen that side of Rhett before. He was so pissed. Granted he had every right to be with what happened at the farm, it was obvious that it was sabotage. A while back he opened up to me about how these random incidents have been happening at his farm, he has an idea of who but never says the name because he has no physical proof, and also it's none of my business.
Poor Grace.
Memories of her homemade ice cream drenched all over the garage floor. The look of defeat washed over her. I wanted to hug her and help in any way I could to rebuild her stock, but I was slapped in the face. Not physically of course. No. Rhett would never lay a hand on me or any girl for that matter. But I would have gladly taken physical contact over the verbal slap.
Deciding that three days to pout was enough I groaned, getting up from my comfortable position in my bed and shuffled downstairs for breakfast.
“Morning mija, how'd you sleep?” I shrug heading to the coffee pot.
"Baby, are you okay? You haven't really come downstairs in the last few days?” I don't tell her that it's Rhett, instead I settle for music.
"It's nothing mama. Just music stuff, no preocupes.” That doesn't seem to satisfy her.
"You know you can tal—” Right on cue, the Kim Possible ringtone sounds off.
Alex, my saving grace, what did I ever do to deserve you.
Goose: My place. Noon. Don't be late!
I don’t shoot off a reply but settle with "liking" the message.
“Everything okay?”
"Yeah mama, just Alex.” I stand in silence while mama moves around the kitchen.
"Mama?" I wait for a beat.
"Hmm?" She doesn't stop what she is doing, still taking the ingredients for muffins.