Setting the paper and pen down I sink into the couch.
"I am Al, it's just that these people want to hear a song and I have nothing. I have been working on a song for the past five months, almost six and all I can get is the first verse and the rest is a no go. Everything that I have been trying to write down has either already been written and I haven’t noticed until I sing it back or it's just plain cheesy and I can't stand cheesy songs.”
Frustrated I let out a deep but needed groan type growl. A shuffling sound comes from the side of me and I see Al picking up the pen and paper handing it to me.
"Take this, and this, and go. Go to where you know you feel the most at peace. That's what I do when I’m stuck or I’m feeling frustrated.” The first thing that comes to mind is the field on the backroads. The place where I would stay forever if I could. It's also the one place on the land of the one who clouds my thoughts also.
This is very much needed. Just the sunshine, the quiet and my notebook.
Alex all but dragged me out of her place after our little conversation telling me that I needed my special place. She was right though, It didn’t get the writing blood flowing but as soon as I stepped out of my truck and smelt the freshly watered sunflowers, I felt a sense of peace wash through me.
Just like the natural sense of smell are forms of release therapy for others, natural sounds are mine. The calming feel I get from just closing my eyes makes it feel like the world has stopped. I firmly believe the earth has music for those who listen. There's several types of sounds and never just all in the same. The smell of fresh musky pine and a creak flowing when high in the mountain tops. Waves crashing on the shore. The horns bouncing off the city walls. But I am most alive when surrounded by the the gentle swishing sounds of the sunflowers blowing in the wind with the sun kissing my skin.
"How did I know that it was you out here?”
A warm smile spreads onto my face.
"Hey there cowboy.” Turning my head to look at Rhett in all his glory.
He props himself up against my tailgate close enough his hip grazes the side of my leg.
"What are you doing out here anyways? What's going on in there?” He taps his finger on my temple then taking his spot right next to me.
"Honestly, right now, I was just thinking about the fair. How you and Johnny lost to Al and I then had to get 'Mels Bitch' and 'Alex’s Bitch' henna on you both.”
His big boisterous laugh rings out sending a couple of birds flying from the tree next to us.
"We let you guys win!”
"Lies! You both lost at the basketball game, whereas Alex and I killed it.”
"Okay, you might have killed me on that game, but what about you both losing in the ring toss and the dare was to let us henna you both.” I let my laugh out this time, nudging him at the same time.
"I still have a slight mark from the ink! Do you know how embarrassing it was to have 'Save a horse ride a Cowboy' on my torso for the rest of the week! I couldn't wear a crop top or a bikini because of it!” This has him doubling over in laughter, his laughter so contagious that it has me laughing as well with tears sliding down my face.
"What about Johnny getting sick after riding the swings?”
"Oh my god! He was so green and Alex was laughing her ass off.” I clutch my stomach taking a couple deep breaths to help calm down the laughing.
"Yeah, and after it got dark we all went on the Ferris Wheel.”
The laughter is gone. Silence settling into nothing but the memories of the night at the fair hanging in the air and soft music playing in the background.
"You hear that boots?”
Soft country music is playing, most likely coming from the house. Roxy is always blasting music with her window open. I can’t really hear the song but the beat carries.
Rhett gets off of the tail of the truck putting his hand out for mine.
"May I have this dance, m'lady?”
I slowly let my hand slip into his.
"Of course my good sir." Putting on my best British accent.
The sun starts to set as we begin to sway back and forth, moving to the soft beats and rustling of the sunflowers.
"Listen Mel I want to tell you something.” I move my hand to his mouth.