Page 40 of Wasted Oil

“No talking, I just want to enjoy this moment with you.” Removing my hand, I bring my lips to his, giving him a sweet kiss as we continue dancing.

As I begin to stir, I feel a sense of happiness and relief as the sun from the blinds in the bedroom shines a little bit brighter.

"Good morning Beautiful.”

I turn in his arms facing him.

"Good morning, How’d you sleep?”

His eyes are even more green this morning, the smell of cotton coming from his sheets.

"Better when you're in my arms Boots.”

Butterflies take off in my belly.

"Are you always this sweet in the morning vaquero?”

"Only with you.”

Before his lips reach mine Sarah barges in panicked.

“Rhett you need to get to the garage!”

She leaves quickly running out as fast as she could.

“What's going on?” Rhett gets up throwing on his clothes not saying a word storming out the door leaving me in the bed. Shuffling out, I grab my clothes and get dressed to head out the garage, to see what's happened and if I can help.

As I near the side door of the garage I can hear yelling from both Rhett and Sarah.

"Of course I locked the fucking garage! I'm not stupid Rhett!” Sarah is in Rhett's face as I walk in.

"If it was locked this wouldn’t have happened,Sarah.”

Ms. Grace is off to the side by the freezer where all of their homemade ice cream is now melted.

"The fucking wires are cut and now we have melted ice cream! That’s half of our profit and now it's gone!”

"Rhett, honey please stop yelling. It's not helping anyone.” Rhett's eyes snap to mine. Anger and fury raging through them.

"You! This is your fault. Your family did this! This was probably the plan all along! You coming back was a way to distract me!”

My eyes go wide, how is this my fault?

"Rhett Parker, don't you dare. She didn't do anything!”

My eyes sting with hurt.

"Of course it was Ma, it was her family that did this! Andres cut the wires just to mess with us and now we have have to start over!”

I have never seen him like this. A sarcastic chuckle comes from Rhett as he shakes his head looking up at me.

"It was probably you. You got up in the middle of the night and pranced your way down here and did the dirty deed for daddy himself."

While Rhett was raising his voice my flinch to memories of Andres yelling at me after a public night out and it didn't go his way.

“Melanie! Get your ass over here!”

I'm hiding in my closet in hopes mama can get him to calm down.