Page 102 of Wasted Oil

“Hey beautiful. How was your day?” He snakes his arms around my waist turning me to come face to face with him planting a long kiss on my lips, the kiss telling me that he missed me today. Pulling back I look into those beautiful green orbs that have etched their way into my brain. Brushing my hand along his cheek loving every second of this feeling of us in this home that we own together.

“It was good. I felt a little sick to my stomach this morning but I am okay now. I did a bit of writing for a new song, face-timed Alex and X. Ate. Took a nap, ate again and then the band called to go into the studio to record and now here I am cooking. How was your day?” He listens to my day, his hands roaming over my body, a thing he started doing to make sure that I'm real and that this is real.

"That sounds like a busy day. Are you feeling better now or not really?” I shrug because I don’t feel bad but I don’t feel great.

"I’ll be okay, I just need to eat. I think Aunt Flo might be coming. Enough about me.” I turn back to my food and Rhett grabs a beer from the fridge. Popping it open I get a whiff of his ale making my stomach curdle and my mouth water. I rub my fingers over my mouth trying to hold back the nausea. He sighs and leans against the counter next to where I’m at.

“It was a good day babe, but I missed you.” My heart flutters. It's been two months and I still feel like I’m walking on cloud nine.

“Have you heard from Johnny?” I asked genuinely. Even though I never liked him I was sad when Rhett told me he and Johnny lost touch. They had been best friends since they were born.

“No ma’am. Last time was when he asked me for some money.” I can see that it hurts him.

“Hey, you okay?” I stop what I’m doing and wrap my arms around his torso leaning on him. He looks down at me saying nothing, just kissing me on the forehead .

“I’m always okay whenever you’re in my arms Boots.” He gives me his most charming smile making me fall head over heels for him all over again.

"Okay, Mr. Charming, go sit down, dinner's ready.”

I seriously feel like shit. I slept like shit tossing and turning all night. The worst part was that somewhere between three and four in the morning I was wide awake and had to force myself back to sleep. I had taken that time to play around with some lyrics I had written down last year at Jansens that one horrible night.

I toss onto my back dreading getting up letting the comfiness of my bed engulf me trying to go back to sleep. Rhett woke up an hour ago for work. He works out of the office for X as a financial advisor or something along those lines. When X told me that he was rebuilding and Rhett was going to be helping I thanked god that he was going to be okay.

Okay Mel get up you have to meet with Layla and the label today. I push up into a sitting position. Right away I get dizzy, a wave of nausea hitting me, making me run to the bathroom and empty all of the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

Lord, why? What the hell did I eat last night? I finish brushing my teeth and hop into the shower feeling nasty, thankful that throwing up made me feel a lot better.

“Good morning cowboy, is coffee made? I ask Rhett walking into his office.

"Morning, how are you feeling? I felt you tossing and turning all night.”

“Yeah, I just had trouble sleeping, that's all. So coffee?” He chuckles twirling in his chair.

“Yeah coffee is in there fresh pot made and mama’s honey for your toast.”

I feel the pocket of my jeans buzz looking at the watch on my wrist. I see that it is currently eleven. She's right on time.

"Talk to me, Goose.”

"Hey babes! Whatcha doin?”

I hold my phone with my shoulder and cheek sliding into my truck needing to get to Laylas.

"I am headed to meet with Layla and the label to go over some stuff for the album release.”

On the other end I can hear some muffled voices then a door slam.

“Sorry about that, anyways I just wanted to check in with you, I haven’t heard from you in forever.”

I roll my eyes as I pull out of my garage, she acts like we didn’t just facetime yesterday.

“Seriously Alex, we facetimed yesterday!”

I can see her now with her head tipped to the sky as she fake cries over the phone.

“I know! But it feels like forever when you’re not here with me!”

“You are such a goof, anyways changing topic. Are you going to Johnnys this weekend?”