Page 103 of Wasted Oil

There's a long pause on the other end.

“I'm not sure. You know it's jus—”

“Hold on Al, I have to pull over.”

Out of nowhere I'm having to pull over and throw up. Must be the stress of getting the album out or because the Anniversary of my parents death is coming up. It will mark a whole year without them.

“Ummm, did you just throw up with me on the phone?”

I continue to throw up for what feels like a straight five minutes before I can pull myself back into the truck.

“Yeah sorry, I’ve been sick to my stomach for the past three weeks now.” I can hear her very audible gasp.


“Oh my god Alex no! I'm not pregnant! I honestly think it's stress from work and not to mention the anniversary of my parents death is right around the corner.”

“Orrrr— There could be a little cowboy or cowgirl cooking in the oven. Just saying I know you and Rhett are humping like bunnies in heat with no glove.”

“First off, I don’t want to know how you know we don’t wear protection and secondly I’m on the pill tonta.”

She blew out a raspberry.

“Please we both know you forget to take your pill sometimes. So don’t even.” I pull into the driveway thankful that I can stop this conversation.

“And I’m here, let’s not put a pin in this conversation. Okay. Anyways I’ll talk to you later okay babes?”

“Alright boo, just text me with a positive or negative when you find out. Laters baby”

"Oh god the vomit is coming back up!" I say while fake gagging.

With a howling laugh Alex ends the call. I hate when she says that stupid shit.

No loving Mr. Grey piece shit mother fucker, and that stupid ass best friend who doesn't know when to use proper Spanish "Que Que" Who fucking says that!? God I can go on a rant with that movie for hours.

But she can't be serious right? Me pregnant? I barely started my career. I can't be pregnant.

Grabbing my purse and water I head to the door.

Could she be right? I mean, Rhett does forget to put on protection and I suck at remembering to take my pill. I pull out my phone looking at my Flo app.

Nine Days Late. Holy fuck.

Just breathe Mel, you’re going to be fine.

I wait patiently for the test behind me to read my results.

As soon as I saw that I was nine days late on my period I all but passed out. Thankfully, Layla answered the door before I could.

I look at my watch thirty seconds left.

What am I going to do if I'm pregnant? I just started my career! Hell, Rhett and I just started also.

The alarm on my watch goes off. It's time.

Slowly I reach for the white and blue stick on the counter, counting down I flip over the test and clear as day one little word eight letters reads out.
