"I can’t believe this place still looks the exact same, almost like it’s stuck in time.” Mel says looking around taking it all back in as we slide into the booth.
"It’s always nice to have one thing that doesn’t change and stays consistent, right?” Mel’s face drains of color at my comment.
Shit that wasn’t intentional.
Trying to avert from that, I decided to try and check off some of those questions.
"How is your music going by the way?” I rest my elbows on the table crossing them in front of me. Her hand crosses her front grabbing on to her opposite shoulder with her elbow perched on her other arm laying down on the table as well.
“It’s—well, it’s kind of paused.” She mutters with a faint smile lingering on her lips. Lips I can’t seem to stop staring at. I want to ask more but I feel like a change in conversation is needed. Rip the band aid off. That inner voice pushes.
"So, boots why are you back?” Wrong question dipshit. Her eyes find my gaze where I tear away from her lips meeting her silver blues.
"That’s a loaded question and one I’m not sure exactly how to answer right now.” She tries to look down but I extend my arm up to pinch her chin between my fingers bringing her head back up. Swoon her.
"Talk to me Boots.” We sit like this for what feels like hours, she has this pull on me where I can’t look away. I didn’t even notice we both leaned in just a breath away from our lips meeting until we were interrupted by Rita with two mugs in one hand and a coffee pot in the other.
"Here's this for you two.” She places each mug in front of us. Before Mel can ask, Rita pulls out a bunch of hazelnut creamer pods from her apron and lays them next to her mug.
“You think I would forget, puppet? I’m a little offended.” Rita jokes, Mel gives her a guilty smile.
“Bless my heart it’s so good to see you again and you both back together….” Rita puts her hand over her heart and I can’t help but give her a small smile.
Rita’s has become a frequent stop for me on weekends. We supply her honey and jams but before all that, the diner became a second home.
"Now we’re just missing the other hooligans.” She waves her hand away from her chest and we all share a laugh.
“Alright, now I know you, Rhett, always with the steak and eggs breakfast burrito and I’m hoping and praying my melly girl hasn’t changed. Country fried steak with gravy, medium eggs, hash browns and a side of pancakes for you? Or have you gone all Nashville on me?”
Damn, can my girl eat? No. Wait, what? Unsure of what just happened, I shake my head and take a gulp of my coffee trying to focus on something else.
"I can’t say I didn’t try but nothing, and I mean nada, will ever compare to your place” Mel praises.
“Oh shush, don't you know it’s not nice to lie to your elders.” Rita gives my shoulder a pat as she heads to the kitchen.
For the first time ever I can’t seem to know what to talk about.
She was once my best friend. I never gave that title to anyone like I did with Melanie. Now, I don’t know what we are.
I’m not even sure we can still be just friends after last night.
The conversation, once we got our food, dwindled to a silence. I pushed aside my questions for hr, deciding that I’m not in the right headspace for that. Melanie and I are like this revolving carousel that are always meeting back at the same point where we are ready to step off together hand in hand, but it never seems to stop.
A malicious side of me wants to see how this whole thing will play out but the other part of me knows this has catastrophe written all over it.
I’m fighting for something and it isn’t vengeance.
I want truth, and if that means collateral damage so be it.
I’m going to lose her. I already know that.
Hell, I already have. But that doesn't mean I can’t enjoy it for the time being, right?
After paying for breakfast and saying our goodbyes to Rita, we climb back in the truck and head in the direction for the Alvarez home.
“Mierda, your birthday is next week." Bending her knee she turns in the leather and rests her arm on the back of the seat.
"Mel, you and I both know Alex would never let you forget her birthday and therefore you are entitled to remember mine as well.” We both laugh.