Page 36 of Wasted Oil

"Ok, fair point, but still we need to celebrate and the best way to do that is to stick with tradition.” She says over the wind flowing through the cab.

Optical lights and circus animals play out in my head in circles bringing me back to that carousel.

"Boots, the county fair isn’t what it used to be, we are too old for it now.” I say.

"Didn’t peg you for a scaredy cat vaquero.”

I fucking love it when she talks to me in Spanish. I turn my head and see her challenging gaze and plump lips puckered to the side. Eyes back on the road with my right arm on top of the wheel, I reach my left hand around grabbing her hand that is rested on the back of the headrest and brush my lips across them, shooting her the most swoon worthy response.

"I think I proved last night that I’m anything but scared, boots. Or, do you need reminding?” Her lips have parted and I can see a shift in her breathing from the raise of her chest.

She retracts her hand from my hold trying to not smile, which makes me smile. My smile instantly turns to a scold when we’ve made the last turn pulling up to the stone pillars and a black iron gate with a fancy "A" letter directly in the middle.

Before I come to a stop to put in the code for the gates to open, Melanie hops out rounding the front of the truck and stopping at my door.

“Scared to be seen with me?” I say leaning over the open window.

She leans in closer, trailing her fingers across my arm playfully.

“No es así es otra cosa.” It takes me a moment to remember the little bit of Spanish I’ve learned from school and from her to comprehend what was said.

"Guess I’ll be seeing you then.” I whisper.

"You will, I promise and I’ll talk with your birthday twin about plans and text you.” She winks trying to leave me with a kiss on the cheek but I grab her just under her chin in the cuff of her neck line and bring her lips to mine. This kiss is softer than the few we shared last night. More in passion, tongues teasing each other to take it deeper. So I do, but pull back just as I opened that door to leave it cracked to make her weak in the knees begging for more and in true sticking to her word in seeing me again.

"I better.” Answering her promise. She steps back slowly holding her fingers to her lips like she’s tranced and I slowly reverse leaving her walking through the gates. She doesn’t look back so I drive, finding myself so lost in thought that I have been driving aimlessly for an hour now. As much as I’ll never admit out loud, I’m more in my head than ever and the best way, or really the only way I know how to try, and find ground again is just by thinking and driving the backroads.

Chapter eleven

“I hope you burn in hell, Daddy.”


What the actual hell? In less than 24 hours since I’ve been back I already had sex with Rhett. Did I want it? Yes, But I didn’t think it would happen that fast. I mean, after all, it did take us forever to admit we liked each other. I wonder what that means for us? If it means anything at all?

After I find out what has my mom acting weird I go back to Tennessee and he stays here we can’t do long distance. It will never work out.

I run my hands through my hair taking a deep breath and a moment to get my bearings before walking into the house. I need a shower and a coffee, stat. Maybe Alex can hook a girl up.

Drudging inside, I immediately feel a chill run through me. He's awake, of course he's awake.

"Melanie, ven aca.” I stay frozen in my spot looking at him sitting in his office that is off the side of the foyer. Knowing that there is no choice, I turn on my heels walking over to him.


"Cálmate, I'm still your father.” I roll my eyes crossing my arms.

"What can I do for you, Andres?”

He sets down his pen, taking off his glasses, setting them down next to his computer,and taking a step rounding his desk.

"You know, when you were born I used to think that I could shape you into the perfect child that I could call mine. To be the next CEO of Alvarez Oil Co. Take over and make your dad proud, the kind of daughter a father can talk about and tell all his associates about.”

I shift uncomfortably, always with the same reiterate speech.

"I can't even look at you. All of this opportunity and you turn it down for some silly little dream, and now look. Back home with no singing career and no money.”

"You're a disgrace." he grimaces through his teeth.