Page 57 of Mad Max

“My uncle gave me those the year before he went to prison as an anniversary gift for the day I came to live with him. I’ve got a few more of them. He taught me how to throw them when I was a kid. A way to do something with my hands when I can’t figure something out. Throwing a few always seems to clear my head a bit.”

I grunt at her explanation. “How’s your head now?”

She grins wide, and my lips twitch as she pulls another knife from under her belt. “Better. Much better.”

I huff out a laugh as I step over the body blocking the exit, not worried in the slightest about running into any of Duke’s men who the brothers haven’t gotten. I’ve got my own little ninja keeping me safe. Guess my fairy’s got skills I’ve yet to learn. And I can’t wait to fucking figure them all out.

I think Jumper and I are the last to arrive at our SUVs—didn’t see a need for the bikes when we were planning on carrying so many brothers and expecting to bring back a few more people than we came with. We’re down the vehicle Bulldog and Chains took when they went to secure their lot. Kooper must have hitched a ride till he was able to find his own way out of town to get Ruby.

But there’s still enough room for all of us, even if we’ve got to pack people in like sardines. Feels a bit like prison, but I don’t think I’ll mind it as much if Fairy’s the one sitting on my lap. She’s got a way of keeping my mind focused on her and not what’s around me.

Sure, every other brother I know would see that as a problem. Would find a way to run far and wide from her. But I ain’t like the others. I’m not an idiot—not anymore, at least. Several years in prison have a way of making you see what you want and what you don’t want. Single life? Ain’t that grand. In prison or out of it, alone is alone. And trust me, it fucking sucks to be alone for too long. Brothers help, but family? Family gets you through shit. Saw it more times than I could count while I was locked up. Men with families, something to focus on, did better than those who only had themselves.

The club is like a family, but they all know I don’t trust enough of them to make it count. Loyalty keeps me warm, but a family, someone I can claim as my own? That’ll make me feel warm my entire life. Cold won’t ever touch my soul again.

I’m not going to run from Fairy. She claimed me the second she touched me without looking for anything but to offer me a bit of comfort. Not many do that unless they want something. And she wanted nothing. Knew that then, know that now. I’ll probably piss her off one of these days, but as long as I give her more good days than bad, she won’t leave. And I sure as hell know I ain’t going anywhere. She has an amazing pussy that my cock loves being home in. Her uncle’s a scary bastard who I respect. And she gets me on a level that no other person I know ever has.

She’s it for me. Just got to convince her that I’m it for her.

“Load up. Leaving in five.”

I nod to Law as I put Fairy in the front passenger seat of an already loaded-up SUV. “We find Duke?”

“Nah. The guy’s a fucking weasel, but he’s slippery as hell and knows how to get out of more than one mess. He must have had a ride close by that we didn’t see when Flint ran his aerial. Only way to explain why he ain’t here now.”

“And Ruby?”

Law clenches his jaw and shakes his head. I feel that. On so many levels. Not knowing is the killer. I might have had ears on Fairy, but I didn’t get to see shit. That drove me nuts, especially when I heard her whimpers of pain from when he must have hit her. Law doesn’t even get that. I felt about one-eighth of what he’s feeling now, and it almost fucking killed me. I think Flint and Chains had this feeling at one time with their old ladies, but Ruby’s his kid. The only link to his old lady Law’s got left.

“Domino’s still watching comms. He’s tracking Kooper as he goes. He’s still fifteen miles out from her place.”

“Why isn’t Flint back to the clubhouse yet and running shit? Kitten get hurt or something?”

“Not Kitten. And not hurt in the way you’re thinking. Chains was able to take out the two watching his place, but they must have gotten word or something because they were already in the house. Mama Bear had her cubs in the panic room they’ve got under the kitchen, but the stress sent her into labor. Flint’s taken his old lady to the hospital, just like Bulldog and his lady. Since we need this lot looked over, figured we’d head that same direction. Your girl okay?”

I look over at her and see she’s unashamedly listening in. Even waves at Law when he glances her way. Makes me happy to see my prez just smile and wave back, accepting her little quirk.

“Yeah. Bit banged up, but don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Wouldn’t mind her being looked over as well if we’re going. Figured I’d have General do it, but now that we’re all going, that works too.”

“Sounds good, brother. Let’s get going. If Chains is anything like me when my kid was born, he’s going to be a mess. And that Mama Bear went into labor early probably ain’t helping.”

I nod at the boss before I pull Fairy out. Keeping her in my arms as if she’s a rag doll ’cause she weighs nothing, I get in without letting her feet touch the ground. It’s a tight fit, but there’s more leg room up here than anywhere else, and I’m the biggest brother here. Might be why Fairy calls me Beast, ’cause I’m the size of one.

Jumper hops into the driver’s seat, and I nod at him before he takes off. The back is already full of brothers and half the girls we saved. I chance a glance back and see most have a far-off look in their eyes. I’m betting it’s drugs since they aren’t screaming at us. They don’t look too bad, but I’m not sure how fucked-up in the head they are. Who knows how long Duke had them and what he did to them? We won’t know that till we get a chance to talk to them once they’re lucid enough to tell us their own names, much less what happened after they were taken.

The ride to the hospital is pretty quiet. Jumper turns on some Zeppelin, and it mellows us all out.

We did good today. We protected our own, got others out, and learned something important: we ain’t in the clear of this shit yet. If Duke had eyes on us before, he sure as shit is going to do it again. We didn’t wear our cuts tonight so these fuckers would think it was Vultures again. No harm in using another club as the fall guy, especially one like the Vultures. But we took out almost every person involved. Duke got away, maybe a few others, but none would have seen who we are unless they got close. And we made sure to kill every fucker we made eye contact with.

“Thanks for coming.”

I pull Fairy closer—not that she ain’t already close. Not much room in here, but I sure as hell ain’t complaining and having her sit someplace else.

“Anytime, Fairy. Anytime.”

And I mean it. I will come for her anytime she needs me to. She won’t call me unless she really does need me. Not even for silly bullshit like some other chicks might do. She ain’t one to start drama just to get her way or some shit either.

She’s old lady material. And just like the rest, she’s one to go down fighting. When I fuck up—’cause it’s definitely a “when,” not an “if”—she’ll let me know I’m being an idiot. I won’t do half the shit the other brothers did to piss off their old ladies, but I’m sure I’ll do something stupid. I’m a guy. It’s a fucking guarantee.