And fucking hell, she’s waving.
I give in and wave back. She smiles, and I feel like I’m taking my first free breath like I did the day I got out of lockup. Who knew being on the outside, like I was the last hour, would have me wishing to be locked up in here with her?
I sink to my knees as I grab her head gently. She’s banged up, something I could hear but not see on the comms.
“I’m okay.”
I didn’t ask, but I know she’s not. “Liar.”
She at least nods in agreement as I run my fingers over her. I know my brothers will secure the rest of the area, so I take my time. She winces when I touch her face and her ribs, but nothing feels broken. Going to need General to check her out fully, but she feels good enough that I help her stand. Taking most of her weight as she straightens, I tuck her into my arms, kissing her forehead and enjoying the moan of pleasure from her as I do.
“This area’s clear.” I nod to Jumper, acknowledging that I trust he did his job. “Duke must have taken off as we entered. Got the brothers searching. We’ll find him.”
“What happened?” Her voice is strong even as she burrows into me a bit more, and I’m only too happy to hold her tighter to me.
“Domino loaned Jumper some of his explosives. Boys got antsy and started blowing shit up.”
Jumper doesn’t disagree, just shrugs while he looks around.
“Is everyone okay?”
Her concern for the others over herself has me smiling down at her as Jumper fills her in.
“Yeah, we got word five minutes ago that the boys secured their old ladies. Law made the call to breach both buildings at the same time, but we had to wait when we saw that other guy sneak back into this one.”
“Sorry, Fairy. Didn’t mean to take so long.” Brushing the tip of my finger along the bruise forming on her cheek, I swallow down my fury because that isn’t what she needs right now. She’s calm because I’m calm, so I keep at it, even if I’m raging on the inside to seek and destroy.
“I’m still here, so no worries.” The way she looks up at me has me believing that she only sees me in this moment.
We just stare at each other till Jumper kicks some of the wood that broke off from the door he blew when we came in. She looks over at him and then around the immediate area. “What about the girls? Were you able to get them?”
“Yeah, we got them.” I nod toward the Asian girl, who’s crying into a brother’s shoulder as she’s moved from the building. “Some are pretty beat-up, so we’re taking the lot to the hospital. General won’t be able to treat them all if we take them to the clubhouse.”
“What about the old ladies? Duke said people were watching them. Did any of them get hurt?”
“Half the reason we waited so long. Didn’t know if he had a way to communicate with them. Flint got to Kitten first and confirmed the threat was real. Once Bulldog and Chains secured their tribes, we came in.”
“And Ruby?”
My girl misses nothing. Not even what Jumper tried to skip. He and I share a look, and it’s me who answers.
“No word yet. She wasn’t at her dorm but another college for a school thing, and the drive to that place takes longer than the rest. Kooper’s on it. He’ll get in touch when he has her.”
I can’t even imagine what the prez is feeling right now. We held as long as we could, but we all knew we couldn’t wait forever. And he trusts that the Hounds have his back and will do anything to keep his property safe, just like he does for all of ours.
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” I squeeze her in tight before I turn us to the door.
I hold most of her weight as we go, not even realizing I’m doing it till she giggles. I just grunt before I pick her up completely and carry her in my arms.
Only then do I notice the knife in her hand. I take a second to look back at the body on the ground I saw when we walked in, finally noticing that the handle of the knife poking out of his head looks exactly like the one she’s holding.
I raise an eyebrow, and she just smiles with a shrug. I open my mouth to ask the obvious question, but a noise has me looking at the door.
A man who isn't a brother raises a gun, but before it gets higher than his hip, a knife is embedded in his skull.
“Holy shit.”
I say nothing as Jumper starts hooting and hollering, just stare down at my fairy, who's biting her lip. She knows me well enough to realize I don’t need to say much, or anything, to get her talking the way I want.