“What’re we looking at?” This time it’s Casper. Flint might be manning the comms back at the clubhouse, but he can’t get eyes in here. At least not yet. He’s got a few drones in the sky, but they’re too far away to see anything.
“I don’t really see much, but I can hear a few things. I think there’re people inside the horse barn thingy or whatever this place is called.”
“How many you thinking?” Law asks.
We all agreed that every girl saved is a win. We might not get them all out tonight, but we’ll take as many as we can. The goal is to make sure we get enough. Each Hound is prepared to go down fighting for those waiting to be sold. Me, too, if anyone had bothered asking me.
“I don’t know, but it sounds like more than a few.”
“I count seven heat signatures in the building in front of you and another dozen in the one on the right,” Flint confirms for the group from the safety of his command center at the club.
I look over, seeing nothing in the darkness till something reflects. I make out a shape, which I guess is a home or something. This place is pitch-black except for the few lights illuminating the front of the building before me.
“I don’t like this.”
I agree with Mad Max but say nothing. Duke either brought more girls than I expected him to or he brought a lot of manpower, expecting something, and is waiting to spring a trap.
“Relax. I got this. It’s just another day. No biggie.”
I hear him curse, but I shut down the emotions I get when he talks to me. The warm fuzzies that make my tummy seem like it’s floating.
It’s strange, actually. I always thought that once I got feelings for someone, it would overtake my life, but it’s quite the opposite. Since meeting Mad Max, I always feel more in control of everything than I was before. Tuns out emotions are something I still do, but I don’t have to push them as far back as I used to. I don’t mind continuing to be my stone-cold self, as others have often referred to me. But with my beast at my back, I feel like I could take on more than I ever could before. Guess I just needed someone to help me manage my feelings.
I knock on the door because why the fuck not? Not really sure how else to get into this place. I’m sure if a Hound were in my place, they would have just kicked the door in, but that’s not my style. I’m also supposed to be here as an investor and not a kickass chick.
The barn door slides open, revealing four girls on their knees crying to the left. But they’re not the ones who draw my eye. No, it’s the two men standing in the middle, one with a smirking grin and the other with a wandering eye as he looks me over. Both give me the creeps, but the smirking one is the one I lock eyes with as I walk into the room and the door shuts behind me.
It’s showtime.
Chapter 22 – Mad Max
uck, this isn’t good.”
I agree with Kooper but keep my trap shut. Right now, I’m fighting the urge to go against my prez. Hell, this might be the first time that I’m actually wanting to disregard a direct order from him. Last time, it was merely implied not to get in trouble. He knew I was searching for the asshole who raped that girl. Don’t think he—or any of us, really—knew what would happen till I found him, but we all knew it was going to be bad. Law had only implied to not do something stupid. This time, before we even rode out from the clubhouse, he pulled me aside and told me not to fuck this up. To not just rush in if things don’t go according to plan but wait shit out before we go in.
Easy for him to say. Easy for them all to say. They don’t have someone on the inside who’s starting to mean a hell of a lot to them. Someone I’m willing to claim in front of all that I know. Someone I’m even willing to go back to prison for.
That last one is the deal breaker. Not even Law is someone I would go back for. But her? My Fairy? Fuck yeah.
Flint killed the comms link once Fairy got inside the building. We can still hear what’s going on, but she can’t hear us. It’s better this way, as we need her to appear innocent in all aspects to not draw attention. If she hears us saying we’re going to breach, even if she were a trained operative, she’d still react. It’s human nature to do something. I just hope she knows to get down and stay down when the time comes.
I want eyes on my woman at all times, but I guess Duke isn’t taking any chances with another surprise attack. Looks like option A is out for us. We didn’t put a ton of thought into it, but the Vultures did have surprise on their side. It wasn’t a bad plan; they just didn’t expect the amount of firepower Duke had. We’re prepared for it. We also got skin in the game and need to be careful not to harm her. The Vultures didn’t care who got hurt in their little drive-up shooting, but I do. I care a lot.
“Cheyanne, what a pleasure to see you again.”
I lock down my emotions, taking a cue from my girl. I stare at the building but see nothing as I listen to that slimy asshole talk to my woman. I can hear the lust in his voice from out here.
“Isn’t it, though?”
The boys chuckle at her response, probably in disbelief she would say that. I just smile internally, knowing that’s my girl. Never one to avoid stating the obvious, even without trying to.
“I expect that you’re nervous after our last meeting, thinking I would find another seller,” she continues. “Are these the girls?”
I can only assume she’s motioning to the ones we got a glance of before the door was shut. I hate not knowing where she is, if she’s moving around the room or just standing where she went in.
“I thought you said I would have a selection to choose from. My buyers wanted four to start, or did you forget?”