“Your woman’s got quite a mouth on her.”
I grunt in both agreement and frustration at Flint’s words. Really wish she was a bit timid, but that wouldn’t be her. She speaks her mind, asks questions to get to the truth. Her way might piss me off with how it puts her close to danger, but I’m not about to hold her back. From what little she’s told me, her family forced her into things. I think it pushed her further away from knowing love than how I grew up in a household where my mom went out looking for it every night and came home alone most times.
“Didn’t forget, just didn’t know what you liked,” Duke replies. “This is a sample size. With it, you can tell me what you like and what you don’t. I can then see if we have something to fit.”
“So, when you said I get to choose, you had no real intention of me choosing for myself, did you?” Fairy says with a chuckle that no one on my side finds funny.
“Some cards need to be held close, don’t you think?”
She waits for a beat, and I wonder what she’s thinking. I wish I could see her, see what she’s seeing. I know she’s pushing emotions aside right now. But I’ve watched her. Ever since I learned that I missed seeing her when she noticed me in prison, I keep tabs on her every chance I get. When she walks into a room, my eyes are glued to her. I get close to hear what she says but also to see how she reacts. It’s subtle, but I know when she’s worried others are laughing at her. I know when she feels out of place and when she’s winging it and hoping no one catches her faking it till she makes it.
She tsks. “I don’t think you trust me. Which is interesting considering I’m the one who keeps coming to you, unarmed at your request. I should be looking to the east, maybe even the north for a supplier after our last little meeting. I’m taking all the risks, it seems.”
“How do you figure?” I grind my teeth as I hear the anger rise in his voice, cursing at not being closer to her as she plays this game.
“Other than the armed men you have here, and I’m sure close by, guarding the other product? Maybe because I don’t think you can guarantee a safe place. After last time, how am I to know that another group won’t show up at any moment to take you out and me along with you?”
“I’ve dealt with those who interrupted us. It won’t happen again.” His irritation is evident—and growing.
“What about others? What about the Hounds? Don’t they run this area? How can you be sure they won’t come in and take over?”
I feel the boys tense around me. No one expected Fairy to mention us, and I see a few of them shift, their trust in her wavering, while mine is only solidifying. I know what she’s doing, and I get it. She’s fishing for intel, and God, I want to kiss her and smack her ass for it all at the same time.
“Don’t you worry about the Hounds. I got enough eyes on their women to make sure they ain’t a threat.”
“Their women?” Fairy doesn't even hesitate, asking the tough questions without even blinking, I bet.
We all wait with bated breath for more details. Unlike me, the others are under the illusion that their women are safe from harm. None of them put up much of a fight when we sent Cheyanne in there, but I know not one of them would place their woman in there if roles were reversed. Guess the boys didn’t think how serious I was about this one. The fact that I put my trust in her should be all they need. But they’re also right. We didn’t have any better options.
“Yeah, they’re all alike. Just like their prez. They get an old lady and they put that bitch on a pedestal. No offense, of course.”
“Of course.” I just know she’s rolling her eyes at him. Fairy is many things, but understanding of chauvinistic pigs ain’t one of them. “And you keep tabs on them? Why?”
“Easiest way to see a Hound weep is to take a woman away.”
“You sound like you’ve done it before.”
“A few times.”
I look to Law, who just shakes his head for me to keep my mouth shut. I got questions, but now ain’t the time to ask. Then again, why ask when my woman can for me?
“None of them seem unhappy, based off the word on the street. You sure you’re taking the ones they care about and not just toss-aways?”
“Don’t you worry. I take them when I want them, when they got a use, and then send them packing. But if I need them, they’re under my watch. Even now, I know exactly where each one is. They all think they're safe in their homes, playing house with the kids, or dancing on fucking tables. Even got eyes on the prez’s daughter. And it’s obvious he doesn’t; otherwise, I doubt he’d let her out of his sight if he knew what she was up to each night at college.”
The growl comes from Bulldog. Both he and Chains are here tonight, and while Flint is safe at the clubhouse, his woman ain’t with him. Duke put enough detail in his boastful speech to have the boys twitching to leave and check on their hearts. ’Cause that’s what each woman is to them.
“Flint, how many do we have on the women?”
I glance at the prez as he snarls out the command. He hasn’t been this mad in a while. Not since Ruby stole his good liquor and used it to make shitty girly drinks that no one liked and had to be thrown out.
“We don’t. We pulled each brother in for this. They’re on their fucking own, without backup. Jesus motherfucking Christ. He can take any one of them, maybe already has, and we got no eyes on anybody.”
I can hear the stress in his voice. I know how he feels—I felt it the moment I let Fairy walk into this place alone. We might be able to hear what’s going on, but that doesn’t mean she’s safe. Not by a long shot.