A swish of fabric got her attention, and she opened her eyes to find a man sitting down next to her, his big body forcing her to scoot over. His khakis whispered on the wooden bench.

Margot’s heart heaved, and joy exploded in her chest.


He’s here.

Focused on the bride and groom, he reached for her hand and clasped it. All the words came rushing in, and the force it took to keep silent had her breath catching in her throat.

I’m sorry.

I was an idiot.

I got scared.

I’m trying really hard but the wounds go deep, and sometimes, I don’t react well.

I’m scared I’m going to get hurt again.

But he just smiled and squeezed her hand because he already knew all that, didn’t he?

And she could read him, too.

I’m sorry.

I need time to think before I react. So, I let you go.

I gave us both space. And now, I’m back.

I’m putting you first.

I will always put you first.

Oh, yeah. She could read his every thought.

After the ceremony, they filed out of the church and headed for the reception. Golf carts drove the guests down the sloping hill to a big, grassy lawn. Tablecloths billowed in the breeze, and tiki torches stood sentry by each table.

All through dinner, Margot and Beau held hands, but they couldn’t talk. They were at the head table with the bride, groom, and her now-in-laws. But once the speeches ended, once the married couple finished their first dance, Margot tugged him toward the shelter of a banyan tree. Her happiness was electric. She was pretty sure a satellite could spot her as a glowing object. Once alone, she threw her arms around his neck. “I can’t believe you came here.”

“Are you sure about that?” He tipped her chin, gazing into her eyes. “Did you really think I’d let you go?”

“My fear did. I had some sleepless nights imagining a future without you, but my heart knew it was wrong. Because I’ve been lying to myself. I keep thinking I’m afraid of not having enough money to support myself, but that’s just a cover for the real truth. I’m scared to love someone so completely, and then have him abandon me. It’s so hard to trust again.”

“It is. It’s terrifying. But what we have is nothing like our past relationships. I know myself and my feelings, and I know we’re going to be together for the rest of our lives. And Margot, our lives are going to be stunning.”

In a single brushstroke, she got a flash of their future—the peaceful mornings sharing breakfast in the banquette, the passion in the bedroom, the family dinners, the laughter, and the feeling of being loved, accepted, and of finally finding her true home with Beau.

Elated, she kissed him, scraping her fingers across his scalp and losing herself in the soft, slick heat of his mouth.

He pulled away, cupping her cheeks, and leaning his forehead against hers. “I don’t want you to lose yourself in my world. If you need an office outside the house—”

“I don’t. I’d be miserable separated from the heart of our family. I understand myself now. Honestly, I needed my daughter to remind me I’m a woman who loves hard and takes care of the people who matter to her. If I’d wanted to be a business maven, that’s what I would’ve done.”

“You have no idea how badly I need to be loved the way you love. But I made a mistake, too. I was so relieved to finally have a partner, someone I can count on to be there through all the hard times, that I lost sight of your experience in all this.”

She shook her head. “It’s not your fault, Beau. I think we touched a hot button that threw us back to our marriages. When you hung up on me, it triggered the countless times my ex discarded me because work came first. And when you walked in the door, you got Courtney all over again.”

“I know you’re scared. It’s because you give your whole heart, and that means it’ll hurt like hell when it breaks. But I won’t break it. I promise you, I will take care of you, heart, body, and soul.” He gripped her wrists. “I will not break you, Margot Rhodes. I will love you with every fiber of my being.”