She kissed him. Right there under the tree with the ocean breezes and the DJ calling all couples onto the dance floor, she healed her heart and made a promise to her future. And it was going to be a good one.
When the kiss got too heated, she pulled away. “I can’t believe I almost lost you. Lost something so precious and rare and perfect.”
He shook his head emphatically. “Not a chance. I knew when I watched you get into the cab that this was never going to end. I watched Courtney go, too, because she had my kids with her, but I didn’t give a shit about her. I was relieved to have her gone. But you? I panicked. I wanted to drop to my knees and beg you to stay. But you had your daughter’s wedding, and I couldn’t ruin that for you. I knew, though, I’d do anything to win you back.” He paused, searching her eyes. “Even if it means selling the mine.”
“Oh, hell no. Hell. No. I love your passion, I love your hard work, and I am your partner. I’m here to support you. Just the way you support me.”
“I love you, Margot. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone before in my life, and I’m so damn thankful I get to spend the rest of it with you at my side.”
“Mom.” With wicked delight in her eyes, Emerson raced over to them. “You’re going to die when you see this. You know how Petra didn’t come to the ceremony? Dad said she wasn’t feeling well, so she stayed in the hotel room?”
Margot didn’t know the details, but she’d obviously noticed her missing, so she nodded.
“Guess why she wasn’t feeling well?” Her daughter turned, and both she and Beau followed her gaze to the dance floor where her ex and Petra stood facing each other but not touching.
Because Petra’s belly was swollen. She was pregnant.
At that exact moment, her ex glanced over. His eyes locked with Margot’s and held. In their depths, she saw misery, helplessness, and profound regret.
The moment he started to move toward her, Beau’s body went hard. He didn’t move, but his expression stopped her ex cold. Wrapping his arm around her, Beau brought her in close and kissed her temple.
Her ex watched the loving gesture with a tormented mix of jealousy and grief.
She hoped Scott could read her as easily as she did him: You wanted me to find my own exit ramp, and boy, did I ever.
“Talk about karma,” her daughter said, breaking the intense but silent exchange. “Can you even imagine? It’s the one thing he swore would never happen, and now he’s going to be changing diapers and waking up for midnight feedings. I’m dying.” She dashed off to join her husband.
Margot took one more glance at her ex. The tension between the couple was like a forcefield. Of all the outcomes, Scott having a baby just didn’t compute.
“Are you okay?” Beau asked.
“I don’t know what I am.”
“It must be hard to see him after what he’s done. But to see him with Petra, to know you won’t be the only mother of his children…it has to be hard.”
She appreciated that he didn’t laugh along with her daughter, because while she would love to find it hilarious that her ex got to live his worst nightmare…she didn’t. “I think enough time has passed, and I’ve done enough work to actually feel sorry for him. Well, for both of them.”
“What do you mean?”
The kindness in his eyes, the absolute patience and interest in hearing her thoughts, filled her with a sense of…well, utter peace. She felt safe with him. She could just be herself. “Petra thought she had a master of the universe ready to kick ass and make it rain money. And since he’s wearing the same suit he wore the day he left me, they clearly didn’t get any investors. Which means she’s become the caretaker of his emotional state, and I don’t think that’s what she signed up for.”
“And him?”
“He was looking for a solution to his financial problems. Instead, he has the burden of not only figuring out how to keep a roof over his own head but a second family to support.”
He made his bed, and now he had to lie in it. But enough about them. She had everything she needed right here in her arms.
“What’s that look for?”
She smiled. “Well, if karma’s a thing, then I must’ve been a very good girl.”
“You’re good, all right.” His hands slid down to her ass and squeezed. “And also, very bad. Just how I like you.”
Hands gripped her thighs, and a hot tongue licked inside her. Margot stretched luxuriously in her bed before throwing back the covers to find a head of dark shiny hair between her legs. “Well, hello.”
Her sweetheart, the love of her life, only took a break from pleasuring her to say, “Happy birthday.”