Page 89 of Beau's Beloved

“Okay to let him in?”

Decker nodded. “I’ll be in the other room, but don’t worry, I’ll be listenin’.”

“Miss Marquez,” Mr. Creola said as he rushed in the front door after Beau opened it. “I received a notification from the court early this morning. Mrs. Covert’s will and trust are being contested.”

“Let me guess. By James Rooker?” said Decker, who’d apparently decidednotto wait in the other room.

“Who are you?” the attorney asked.

“Decker Ashford, and continue with what you were saying, Paul.”

The man’s eyes scrunched, and he cleared his throat. “As I said, James Rooker has filed for an immediate injunction to stop you from taking possession of the Lilacs.”

“On what grounds?” Beau asked.

Mr. Creola set an envelope on the table and removed his coat.

“I’ll take that for you,” I offered, returning to where they all stood after I draped it over a chair.

“As far as grounds, he’s citing a previous trust’s stipulation that the Lilacs, along with the rest of the estate, can only be left to a direct descendant.”

“Whose descendant? Cena’s or Manley’s?” Decker asked.

The lawyer glared at him. “I don’t know, but I’ve requested the attorney representing Mr. Rooker produce it immediately as part of discovery.”

“Lemme guess. If there are no direct descendants, the estate is to be liquidated and given to a named charity,” said Decker.

“Again, I do not have the document as of yet, sir.”

“Bet ya a million bucks,” Decker said under his breath.

“I thought trusts were used because they couldn’t be challenged.”

Mr. Creola looked over at me and sighed. “I’m sorry to say something like this is an exception.”

“Does this mean I have to leave?” I asked.

“Not yet. He’s only filed for the injunction. It hasn’t been granted yet. As soon as I receive the documents I’ve requested, I’ll be in touch. I expect them later today.”

Mr. Creola stood and looked around for his coat.

“Samantha,” murmured Beau. “Was there something else you wanted to ask about?”

“Right. This might not matter anymore, but I wanted to be sure Mrs. Covert hadn’t left a letter for me.”

The attorney blinked a couple of times. “If she had, it would’ve been included in what was delivered to you.”

“That’s what I figured.”

“What about a safe-deposit box?” Decker asked.

“I was about to suggest the same thing,” said Beau.

“Yes, there is one. However, until the injunction request is denied, the court cannot certify the trust. Meaning, nothing is actually yours until that happens.”

Beau walkedMr. Creola to the door.

“You okay?” Decker asked.