“I always knew it wasn’t real.” That didn’t change my disappointment, though. Not because of the money or even the estate. Last night, Beau had said he felt as though I was holding my ancestry in my hands. The more I looked through the photos, the more I’d started to believe it too.
“Okay, y’all ready for the rest I have to tell you?” Decker asked when Beau returned to where we waited.
Sam’s disappointment was etched on her face. I was far more worried about her than I was about anything else Decker had to tell us.
“First, let’s talk about the injunction request. Regardless of whether the other trust stipulates the beneficiary be the direct descendant of Manley or Cena, it’s irrelevant as far as James Rooker is concerned, since he is neither.” Decker chuckled, “I’d say he isn’t smart enough to know the definition, but he didn’t file with the court; an attorney did. On the other hand, I’ve known plenty of lawyers who didn’t know their hind end from a hole in the wall.”
“What would his motive be for filing, then?” I asked.
“I’m not sure, unless he’s got somethin’ up his sleeve in regard to a delay in the trust being certified.”
“Look, it’s obvious the Rookers are related to Cena. I’m not. So, in all fairness, shouldn’t they be the ones to inherit? I mean, it wouldn’t all go to Jimmy and Johnny Rooker. Some of it would go to Cord and his siblings, right?”
Decker stroked his beard. “They may be required to prove their mother was Cena’s niece, but that would be easy enough to do. A simple DNA test would confirm it.” His eyes were scrunched as he looked off into the distance. “What about you? Have you ever gotten one of those tests?”
“I haven’t,” Sam responded.
“Let’s get that in the works. The results take a bit to come back, but I can pull some strings to make it happen quicker.”
“What good would that do?” she asked.
“If anyone from Cena’s family took one, there’d be a connection established,” I explained.
“If we make the request,” Decker qualified. “Which is possible to do privately when law enforcement is involved.” He winked.
“What do I have to do?” Sam asked.
“I’ll take care of getting it started. Easiest is a mouth swab.”
Decker rested against his chair and rubbed his hands together. “Let’s talk about Hoss Schultz. As you’ve probably guessed, the guy has questionable business tactics. Besides Cord reporting he saw Rooker talking with him, there’s no connection between the two men that I’ve been able to find. Yet anyway.”
“James, err, Jimmy Rooker is the man we saw at the pub?” I asked.
“Affirmative.” Decker turned his laptop so Sam and I could see the screen. On it were several surveillance photos of him, including those taken that night as well as at the Roycroft. “He hasn’t set foot on the premises in the hours since we’ve activated security. However, if he does at anytime in the future. We’ll know it.”
“Beau and I met with the son of the attorney who drew up the contract between Lilac Lane Winery and Schultz Wineries. He suggested we question the validity of the contract, but I guess, for now, I really can’t.” Sam looked over at me. “I don’t know what to do, Beau. Should we just return to California now?”
Before I could answer, Decker did. “I know this is difficult to fathom, but I feel certain you have a DNA connection to Mrs. Covert. I do not believe she would have left all this to you if there wasn’t one.”
She shook her head. “You’re right about me not fathoming it.”
“Samantha, there is still the matter of Ursula Rooker and whether she was your grandmother’s sister.” I turned to Decker. “We have yet to find a second photo of the woman. Juni believes she may be in the background of one with Cena and Manley Jr.”
“Interesting,” he said under his breath. “Back to Hoss Schultz. My recommendation is that you eventually terminate the contract with Schultz Wineries. In the meantime, Snapper and Kick will be meeting with him this afternoon, posing as investors in another New York State winery interested in having Schultz manage the growing operation and the winery. That meeting will be off-site, so if the two of you have an interest in checking out the Lilac Lane facilities, it would be a good time to do it.”
“I’m not sure it’s a good idea for me to get further invested in this place.”
I understood her hesitation. “As Decker said, it seems logical to think Cena was aware of the previous trust and its stipulations. Conversely, it is illogical to think she’d put forth the effort to make you her beneficiary if there wasn’t some kind of connection.”
My eyes met Decker’s when Sam looked away. I had no doubt she was overwhelmed and emotional.
“If you’ll both excuse me, I have a couple of calls to make.” Decker stood and went outside.
“Hey,” I said, putting my hand on Sam’s back.